Building a future with the Ozaukee County 4-H Construction Trades Project
A lack of skilled trades professionals sparked a constructive project in Ozaukee County.
A lack of skilled trades professionals sparked a constructive project in Ozaukee County.
The “Four at the Door” principles encourage a sense of belonging in groups.
Wisconsin’s first female 4-H educator, whose career would later take her to Texas and New York, was inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame Oct. 6 in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Mary Kaye Merwin credits her entire professional career to personal development through 4-H — a 65-year experience that began at age 10. The […]
Menominee County/Nation’s 4-H program integrates tribal traditions and health education to innovate sustainable change for families and communities.
From robots and rockets to batteries made with potatoes and limes, this project is teaching youth the scientific method and how to communicate it.
The Green Lake County 4-H Ambassadors taught local kindergarteners the ABC’s of recycling.
Wisconsin 4-H STEM Specialist Joanna Skluzacek helped create programs that teach soft skills to young people.
Led by a county 4-H agent, this rookie robotics team from Iron County is headed for an international competition.
4-H members make blankets in honor of member Jake Eickstedt, who died in 2011.
What do you want to be when you grow up? A group of Wisconsin youth recently got a head start on finding out at National 4-H Youth Congress.
On a recent Friday night, Cambridge 4-H Club members shopped for toys and clothes. But the items weren’t for themselves or even their families and friends. The 4-H’ers were buying for the Cambridge Adopt-a-Child Program. Using their hands for larger service, they bought gifts for a club record of 25 tags that represented the Christmas wishes […]
“Each of the 2016 Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame laureates has transformed the lives of children and families with whom they’ve worked and the communities in which they’ve lived,” says Dale Leidheiser, Program Director of Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development.