First female Wisconsin 4-H educator inducted into national hall of fame

Wisconsin’s first female 4-H educator, whose career would later take her to Texas and New York, was inducted into the National 4-H Hall of Fame Oct. 6 in Chevy Chase, Maryland.   Mary Kaye Merwin credits her entire professional career to personal development through 4-H — a 65-year experience that began at age 10. The […]

National 4-H Congress 2016

What do you want to be when you grow up? A group of Wisconsin youth recently got a head start on finding out at National 4-H Youth Congress.

Cambridge 4-H Club serves community with Christmas giving

On a recent Friday night, Cambridge 4-H Club members shopped for toys and clothes. But the items weren’t for themselves or even their families and friends. The 4-H’ers were buying for the Cambridge Adopt-a-Child Program. Using their hands for larger service, they bought gifts for a club record of 25 tags that represented the Christmas wishes […]

Wisconsin 4-H Inducts 12 into Hall of Fame

“Each of the 2016 Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame laureates has transformed the lives of children and families with whom they’ve worked and the communities in which they’ve lived,” says Dale Leidheiser, Program Director of Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development.

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