4-H Grows Here

Growing the next generation of Wisconsin leaders

While 4-H is rooted in agriculture, it has grown into so much more

As the largest youth development organization in the nation, we provide a place for all kids to reach their full potential. They’re able to see the world beyond themselves through hands-on, research-based experiences in every corner of Wisconsin.

4-H has something for everyone!
And getting started is easy

Most 4-H youth and the adults who care about them get their start with a 4-H club in their community. Based on their interests and guided by adult mentors, youth develop their own pathway.

In Wisconsin alone, there are more than 500 distinct project-based activities to spark lifelong learning, including:

  • Science, technology, engineering and math
  • Civic engagement
  • Health programs
  • Agriculture
  • And more!

Values rooted in an inclusive, safe and supportive environment

For more than 100 years, 4-H has welcomed young people of all beliefs and backgrounds, giving kids a voice to express who they are and how they make their lives and communities better.

Courtesy of National 4-H Council

Empowering Wisconsin youth to lead for a lifetime

Positive youth development studies have affirmed that compared to their peers, young people involved in 4-H are:

4x more likely to contribute to their communities
2x more likely to be civically active
2x more likely to make healthier lifestyle choices
2x more likely to participate in out-of-school programs

Source: Lerner, R. M., et. al. (2005). 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development

two girls floating in a river while holding hands and wearing life jackets

Get involved

Complete the form and a local 4-H staff member will be in touch to discuss the opportunities available to you and the special child in your life.

Contact information for parent or guardian

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