Records Retention Schedule

Updated 2.2024

Records Retention Best Practices

Records MUST be destroyed confidentially at the end of the schedules listed below. Shredding at a county office is acceptable.

One copy (digital or paper) must be retained according to the schedules below. Additional copies may be destroyed immediately.

Paper documents may be scanned and stored in secure electronic filing systems. Paper copies may then be destroyed.

This guidance has been pulled from the UW-Madison Youth Activities and Protection Records Schedules and UW-Madison Extension Records Schedules.

Staff Only: For additional records retention information, please see the Extension Handbook.

Enrollment Forms

Schedule NumberDescriptionFormatCustodianRetention Time Period
W00003034-H Member Enrollment Forms including Code of Conduct and Assumption of Risk4-H OnlineState OfficeCreation + 7 Years
A00019634-H Volunteer Enrollment including Behavior Expectations4-H OnlineState OfficeDate Volunteer Becomes Inactive + 7 Years
W0000305Health Forms4-H OnlineState OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W0000305Health FormsPaper or Digital FormCounty OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W0000303Media Release Form4-H OnlineState OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
W0000303Media Release FormPaper Form or Digital FormCounty OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years

County & Club Activities

Schedule NumberDescriptionFormatCustodianRetention Time Period
W0000303County 4-H/CYD Program Registration Forms4-H OnlineState OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
W0000303County 4-H/CYD Program Registration FormsPaper or Digital FormCounty OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
W0000306Health/Medical Logs for County ProgramsPaper or Digital FormCounty OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W0000305Health Forms4-H OnlineState OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W0000305Health FormsPaper or Digital FormCounty OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W00003034-H Club/Group Attendance Records and Meeting MinutesPaper or Digital FormCounty OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
A00019514-H Membership Lists Information (includes member’s name, birth date, contact information, parent/guardian names, demographic information, and accommodation requests)Paper or Digital FormCounty OfficeCreation Year + 15 years
W0000307Incident Reports (Accidents and Injuries)Paper or Digital FormCounty OfficeDate Incident Resolved + 7 Years
Behavior Concerns Report (Member & Volunteer)Paper or Digital FormCounty OfficeDate Incident Resolved + 7 Years

State Activities

Schedule NumberDescriptionFormatCustodianRetention Time Period
W0000303State 4-H/CYD Program Registration Forms4-H OnlineState OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
W0000306Health/Medical Logs for State Programs 4-H OnlineState OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W0000305Health Forms4-H Online or Paper FormState OfficeDate Activity Ends + 3 Years
W0000307Incident Reports (Accidents and Injuries)Paper or Digital FormState OfficeDate Incident Resolved + 7 Years
Behavior Concerns Report (Member & Volunteer)Paper or Digital FormState OfficeDate Incident Resolved + 7 Years

Administrative Documents

Schedule NumberDescriptionFormatCustodianRetention Time Period
A00019504-H Charter ApplicationsDigital FormatState OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
A00019504-H Annual Financial Reports (AFRs)Digital FormatState OfficeCreation Year + 7 Years
FLEET020Driver Authorization FormsPaper or Digital FormatDOA Fleet Database
(Staff may destroy immediately after submission)
Event + 1 year

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