Home » 4-H Opportunities » Projects » Large Animals (Animal Science) » Beef Project
Beef Project

What is it All About?
The 4-H Beef Project allows you to learn about breeds, selection, grooming, production, management, showmanship, marketing and careers through a breeding or market animal.
Grow in Your Project
- Identify different beef breeds
- Learn proper feeding of cattle
- Prepare a project animal for show by leading it and setting up its feet
- Learn how to groom a beef animal
- Identify common beef cuts of meat
- Identify how a healthy calf looks and acts
- Learn the appropriate handling techniques and housing for beef cattle
- Explore the difference between yield grade and quality grade
- Learn the various methods of cooking different beef cuts
- Explore a ruminant digestive system
- Balance a beef ration
- Learn how to manage a cow and newborn calf
- Learn about Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs)
- Explore the technological impacts to beef breeding and reproduction
- Properly identify and learn to treat common cattle diseases
Click Here for Beef Project Member Resources
Resources for All Levels
Click Here for Beef Project Leader Resources
Project Leader Resources
Take Your Project Further!
- Tour a beef ranch or visit a livestock auction
- Interview a livestock fence supplier to find out more about animal care and safety
- Learn about different brands in Wisconsin
- Visit a local feed mill and see how feed ingredients are mixed, weighed and blended to make a complete ration
- Visit a local meat locker or local grocery meat case to observe preparation and packaging
- Job shadow with a local beef producer or veterinarian to learn about animal management and health
- Attend a cattle show to listen to a judge give oral reasons and witness the differences in judging cattle
- Participate in a livestock judging workshop or be on your county 4-H Livestock Judging Team at the Wisconsin State Fair
- Discover different uses for beef products and by-products
- Exhibit or attend local, regional or national beef shows and conferences
Statewide Events and Opportunities
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Teach someone the important traits in selecting a breeding heifer
- Design a poster demonstrating how to prepare beef cuts
- Participate in a judging contest giving oral reasons
- Share a presentation on the importance of following drug labels.
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Complete a beef promotion presentation during May, Beef Month
- Provide beef taste testing at a grocery store to promote local food
- Lead other 4-H members in participating in local beef producer events
- Start a beef livestock judging team with the help of an adult volunteer
- Prior to the county fair, lead a beef grooming and showmanship clinic
- Volunteer to do beef promotion presentations during May Beef Month Provide beef taste testing at a grocery store to promote local food Volunteer to help at the county fair weigh-in
Learn about Leadership
- Lead other 4-H members in participating in local beef producer events
- Arrange a tour of your farm your farm in your area
- Start a livestock judging, meat judging, or livestock skill-a-thon team with help of an adult volunteer
- Lead a beef grooming and showmanship clinic for other 4-H members
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Participate in the 4-H beef show at county fair or the Wisconsin State Fair
- Consider an exhibit, notebook or display on what you’ve learned in a beef-related topic
- Nutritive value of beef
- Beef meat cuts and proper preparation
- Feeding rations
- Preventative vaccinations
- Photos of different beef breeds
- Daily routine in caring for animals
- Grooming techniques
- Developing a foundation beef herd
- Best care techniques for newborns
- Beef by-products
- Impact of local foods on local economy
- Display of feeds or ration contents or analysis
- How to Tattoo or Research how beef check-off dollars are used
- Video on fitting a steer and/or heifer lo
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Beef. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/animal-science/beef.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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