Wisconsin Distance Learning

The Wisconsin Distance Learning Team provides access to education across Wisconsin today by sharing resources and access to content through non-traditional programming including

  • Take and Learn (Project Boxes)
  • Virtual Learning (Zoom Sessions)
  • Webinars

Frequently Asked Questions

All youth and families are welcome to participate in Distance offerings.  Events utilize Qualtrics OR the 4-H Online system for event registration, but do not require membership in 4-H.  Registration can be completed by following the information provided. To sign up via 4-H online, sign in to 4-H Online (wi.4honline.com), locating the event, and registering.

Please select from the following for help registering for a Distance Learning Event:
I have a 4-H Online account, but need help enrolling in an event
I do not have an account AND need help enrolling in an event

Wisconsin Distance Learning has different types of events throughout the year including:

  • Take and Learn
  • Virtual Connection
  • and More.

Follow Wisconsin 4-H on Facebook and Instagram for posts highlighting different activities happening in the Virtual Learning Community.

Watch your local communication resources.

What is Goosechase?

Inspired by scavenger hunts, Goosechase is an online platform used to create interactive experiences. For the cake decorating experience, participants can

How do you Play? The Fun with Cake Decorating Experience is “played” through the Goose Chase APP. A list of missions will open on March 15.  These will include tasks, questions, and opportunities related to the experience.   Throughout the Experience, new missions may pop up and alert you on your device so make sure to have notifications turned on.. By using this APP, it will allow participants to learn new skills and interact in new ways through distance learning.

For more information about how it works, visit Goosechase “How it works” https://www.goosechase.com/how-it-works/playing

While this game isn’t about earning points, it is an exciting way to learn and see what others are learning in cake decorating!

How to Join the Experience

2. Log in. New to Goosechase? Sign up for an account or play as a guest.

3. Search for this Experience by code QPB5KX or name Fun with Cake Decorating. You will also need the passcode provided to you in your Registration email. Once you find your Experience, click Let’s Go!

4. Create your player profile.

5. Lastly, set yourself apart with a name and photo and click Save.

Disclaimer: All participants must follow Goosechase terms of service. Participants under the age of 13 must have adult supervision to use the app. There is no expectation to include photos of participants in the experience for Fun with Cake Decorating.

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