Wisconsin 4-H Policies

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Check Out the Wisconsin 4-H Policy Update for 2024-25

Wisconsin 4-H operates within the guidelines, policies, and procedures of the University of Madison Division of Extension and the United States Department of Agriculture. These policies are established to ensure the educational and administrative integrity of all Wisconsin 4-H programs and activities administered by 4-H staff and 4-H volunteers. Wisconsin 4-H Leadership is committed to supporting staff and volunteers by writing clear and simple policies that will standardize Wisconsin 4-H safety and risk management practices.

If you have a question, comment, or concern about a Wisconsin 4-H Policy, please share your thoughts using the Care to Share form.

In addition to these policies, local county-based 4-H programs, 4-H clubs, and 4-H groups may have additional policies, rules, and/or guidelines.  Please contact the 4-H Program Educator in your county for more information.

Images courtesy of National 4-H Council

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