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Annual Leader Training: Leading, Learning, & Laughing
Each year, youth and adult volunteers and leaders from every chartered 4-H club and group are encouraged to participate in Annual Leader Training. The training topic changes each year to focus on subjects of importance to the whole Wisconsin 4-H community. The area of focus this year was the three parts of a meeting: Business, Education, and Recreation, or Leading, Learning, and Laughing. Videos of training sessions and other resources are available.
Youth and adult volunteers: Use these resources on your own or reach out to your local educator/office to ask about hosting training for a group.
Session 1: Leading Club Meetings
(business in 4-H clubs and groups)
Session 1 (Business/Leading) Handouts
Session 2: Learning in Club Meetings
(education in 4-H clubs and groups)
Session 2 Handouts
Session 3: Laughing in Club Meetings
(recreation in 4-H clubs and groups)
Session 3 Handouts
Have questions? Reach out to your local educator!
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