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Citizenship Washington Focus
2025 CWF – June 21-27, 2025
What is Citizenship Washington Focus?

Citizenship Washington Focus, or CWF for short, is the premier week long 4-H citizenship and leadership experience. CWF brings 4-H delegations from all over the country to stay in Washington D.C., our Nation’s Capital! Participants learn about the roles of Senators and Representatives in the United States’ government and how these parts work together to form an effective Congress. Additionally, youth get to see and experience government in action by meeting with their State’s members of Congress and watching a House of Representatives meeting. Delegates also participate in various educational workshops such as:
- Citizenship Toolbox: By exploring what it means to be a good citizen, delegates identify their own skill set to become active citizens and leaders in their communities back home.
- Congressional Issues: Delegates will have open discussions with different perspectives on real national issues in the government today.
- Bill Writing: Delegates learn the process of writing a bill in the House of Representatives and then write one of their own. They then will hold a mock House of Representatives meeting where they will discuss and either pass or deny said bills.
- Action Planning: By combining all of the skills they have learned at CWF, the entire delegation will discuss what issues are prominent in their communities. They will then develop a plan to take back and implement positive change into their hometowns.
These are just a couple of the activities delegates will participate in. Delegates will also get the opportunity to tour our Nation’s Capital and experience the culture that comes with it. After completing the CWF program, they will have stronger knowledge about being an active citizen and our Government. They will also have the opportunity to discover new skills and be exposed to different perspectives and cultures from around the U.S. On top of all this, it gives delegates another opportunity to bond and network with other 4-Hers from Wisconsin and beyond. We hope to see you participating in CWF in the near future!
Questions about CWF that you can’t find the answers to on this website? Feel free to contact Justin Lieck, Educational Programs Assistant at justin.lieck@wisc.edu or 608-263-5971.
Additional Program Information
Location: Chevy Chase, Maryland & Washington D.C., June 20-28, 2025
Dates include travel time to/from Washington, D.C.
2024 Tentative Schedule available here
Around 100 Wisconsin 4 H’ers attend this leadership program sponsored by National 4-H Council. Delegates choose which week to attend. Held at an area hotel in Washington, D.C. Participants:
- learn the importance of civic and social responsibilities relating to the development of better citizens and leaders
- be inspired by speakers
- participate in workshops, committee work, field trips and social events
Participants are:
- 4-H members in 10th-12th grade at selection; minimum age 15 during experience.
- Delegates register through 4HOnline. Check with your county office about scholarship opportunities.
- Delegates carry county approval through the experience.
- Delegates must not have attended CWF in the past.
We expect the cost to be approximately $2500 per participant. The registration fee covers: CWF conference registration, air travel to/from Wisconsin (exact airport(s) TBD) to a Washington-area airport, ground transportation to/from the DC-area airport and the hotel, transportation during the conference, housing and most meals at the event, entrance fees to arranged museums, a cultural event/special dinner, a conference polo shirt, a Wisconsin 4-H CWF shirt, and expenses related to providing trained adult chaperones and administrative support.
Participants should additionally expect to pay the following out-of-pocket: transportation costs to/from Wisconsin airport, checked baggage fee (if applicable), any additional meals/snacks, and souvenirs.
County offices will be invoiced in early 2025 for CWF.
- Contact your County 4-H Youth Development Staff about county funding procedures. Registration is through 4HOnline.
4HOnline Registration
Registration for the 2025 CWF will be done through 4HOnline. It is open from December 20, 2024-January 15, 2025.
Registration Timeline
December 20-January 15, 2025: Register for Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) 2025.
Late 2024: Adult Advisor applications are due to the State 4-H Office. (Selections made around March 1.)
January/February 2025: Watch for a registration confirmation letter including National Code of Conduct & Media Release Forms.
March 2025: Payments due to your County 4-H Office (date to be determined locally)
March 2025: Postmark deadline for National Code of Conduct and Media Release forms.
May 2025: Delegate orientation will take place – either in person, virtual, or hybrid format, exact date and format TBD.
June: Watch for final letter including more information.
Youth Registration Instructions
Registration will be done through 4HOnline. You can find information on registering for an event in 4HOnline here.
Payment Procedures
Please check with your 4-H Youth Development Staff Member regarding payment procedures, or view the cost section of the program information section above.
Pre-Registration and Other Information
Delegate Information
Delegate Eligibility
- 4-H members in 10th-12th grade at selection; minimum age 15 during experience.
- Register through 4HOnline. Check with your county office about scholarship opportunities.
- Delegates carry county approval throughout the program.
- Delegates must not have attended CWF in the past.
What Should Delegates Expect?
- Participation in a delegate orientation session 1-2 months prior to departure.
- Conduct research to be completed prior to departure to the experience to prepare for a congressional meeting on Capitol Hill.
- Experience high temperatures with summer humidity in Washington D.C., therefore plan to pack light, appropriate clothing.
- Select a committee to serve on throughout the week; these include communication, government, healthy living, open-mindedness, responsibility, and talent.
- Learn about and contribute to a mock bill writing activity where delegates draft bills and lobby for its successful passage through the CWF House and Senate.
- Stay at a Washington D.C. area hotel.
- Experience landmarks, monuments, and museums in Washington, D.C.
- Identify ways that you can make a positive impact in your home community from the tools you gained during Citizen Washington Focus.
CWF Delegate Orientation Information
Orientation will be held in May, 2025 for CWF 2025. Orientation will be held online via Zoom.
All Delegates and Adult Advisors will attend the orientation. More information is available in the CWF Handbook.
CWF Handbook
The CWF Handbook will be emailed and mailed out to participants in Spring 2025.
Adult Advisor Information
Adult Advisor face-to-face orientation is Required.
Saturday in May of Program Year, 10:00am-3:00pm. Lunch is provided for adults only. Location: Upham Woods
What are the expectations of Adult Advisors?
- Applicants must be in good physical condition to withstand rigors associated with the program. Expect much walking on hard surfaces, handling luggage, and sharing a sleeping room. Sleep deficit is common.
- Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) leaders can expect long bus rides.
- CWF participants usually experience high temperatures with humidity in Washington D.C.
- Public speaking is required.
- Adult leaders must work cooperatively with fellow Adult Advisor Team Members and remain with the delegation at all times during the program.
- Adult leaders are required to submit a report and evaluation upon completion of the program.
- Participation at scheduled teleconference or in-person orientations is mandatory.
How do I apply?
Applications are available now. More information and the application can be found on the Adult Advisor Page.
A complete application must be submitted to WI State 4-H by 4:30pm January 30. A reference is required, you can find a copy of the reference form here. A phone interview may also be conducted. All applicants will be notified of their status in early February (except for National Congress, notified in July). Application can be submitted to justin.lieck@wisc.edu or mailed to 4-H Educational Programs, 432 N Lake St, Room 105, Madison, WI 53706.
Each program has a different focus with different desired attributes for leaders. If someone doesn’t fit into one position, they might be great elsewhere. If you are not selected this year, please don’t be discouraged! Apply again next year.
Related Links
- National Link – Citizenship Washington Focus
- National 4-H Council
- YouTube video See how 4-H’ers, coordinators and U.S. Senators help tell the story of CWF. Hear the how 4-Hers from Nebraska, North Dakota, Standing Rock Sioux Reservation, and Tennessee were impacted by their CWF experience.
- Blog
State Scholarships
Needs-based scholarships are available for youth who participate in Statewide Educational Experiences. Scholarships require an application that is submitted to the state office. The scholarship application for 2025 will be included in the CWF registration on 4-H Online. For more information on these scholarships, please visit the Scholarship page on our website.
This program is supported by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. For more information please go to www.Wis4HFoundation.org.
The Positive Youth Development Institute and UW-Madison Extension are committed to creating inclusive and accessible programs. You can request reasonable accommodations during the registration process for this program. If you have any questions about accessibility or accommodations, please contact pydadminteam@extension.wisc.edu or call 608-262-1222.
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