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Large Animals (Animal Science)

Animals large and small are a large part of Wisconsin 4-H. Learn how to raise, feed, care for, judge, and show animals typically found on a farm including beef and dairy cattle, dairy and meat goats, horses, sheep, swine, and poultry. Choose one species and learn all about it and learn about careers working with animals. For some species, animals may be owned or leased, so you can do a project even if you don’t have your own animal.
Spotlight on…WI 4-H Horse Expo
A Wisconsin 4-H member exits the arena after claiming her grand prize ribbon at the 2019 Wisconsin 4-H Horse Expo. The purpose of the annual event is to educate Wisconsin 4-H youth members. Started in 1967, the horse show is run by the Wisconsin 4-H Horse Association whose mission is “To plan, promote and execute educational programs in the area of horse science for Wisconsin youth and their leaders.”
Spotlight on…WI 4-H Dairy Judging Contest, Polk County, 2019
Spotlight on…WI 4-H Dairy Showmanship Contest, Grant County, 2019
National 4-H Dairy Conference
Every year in September, leading dairy youth from across North America gather in Madison, WI for the National 4-H Dairy Conference! This is an opportunity to create connections with other dairy youth, sharpen your dairy knowledge and skills, and make industry connections that will last well into the future.
National 4-H Dairy Conference alumni, Curtis Koekbe thinks you should go in 2020. Why? “I think kids should attend the National 4-H Dairy Conference because it helps you open up. The conference is not only a huge learning opportunity, but it is also a great place to make new friends. It opens so many doors for you being able to talk to people in the industry from all over the country and even people from Canada is so incredible. The conference made me realize all the opportunities in the dairy industry away from the family operation. Seeing how other people farm and different ways they do things is very interesting. Seeing all the newest technology that is coming to the dairy industry and talking with people who are on the forefront of it all is just a huge opportunity.”
Learning Resources
Explore programs and learning resources for each species in Projects on the right.
More Project Ideas
- Horseless Horse
- Pygmy Goat