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Quilting Project

What is it All About?
Have you ever wondered about the history of a quilt in a museum or one hanging on a wall in your house? This project is designed to help you learn about quilts and gain a deeper appreciation of the art of quilt making. The 4-H quilting project lets you explore your creativity and strengthen your self-confidence while keeping alive a historical pastime, tradition, and craft.
Grow in Your Project
- Learn about the history of quilts in your family
- Research methods of displaying quilts
- Know the basic items you need to start quilting
- Learn about geometric elements
- Learn about batting and how it is used
- Shop for quilting supplies
- Learn how to tie and bind a quilt
- Learn how to use a rotary cutter
- Learn different quilting patterns
- Learn about advanced quilting tools and special quilting gadgets
- Learn about color theory and color science
- Challenge yourself with difficult quilting patterns
- Use hand and machine quilting methods
- Learn the different sizes of quilts
- Identify quilting related careers
Click Here for Quilting Project Member Resources
Take Your Project Further!
- Attend a quilting workshop or clinic in your area
- Go to a quilt show
- Host a fabric exchange
- Learn about how to become a certified quilt appraiser
- Interview quilters and find what quilting method they enjoy best
- Visit a fabric store
- Use recycled materials from your home or a thrift store to create a quilt
- Explore computer aided designs for blocks and layout ideas
- Design an experiment to test the durability, stain-resistance, or color fastness of fabric
- Explore how math and quilting go hand in hand
- Study the use of quilts in staying warm before central heating
- Investigate how to properly clean, launder, and care for quilts
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Demonstrate quilt piecing at a club meeting
- Talk with family and friends about quilts in their home, find out the history
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Make a mini-quilt for your neonatal unit at your hospital
- Make a comfort pillow for a local hospice group
Learn about Leadership
- Organize a community quilting event
- Teach someone how to select fabrics for a quilt
- Invite an experienced quilter to talk at your club meeting
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Make a quilt
- Design a dream sewing machine and compare it with machines already on the market
- Make a display comparing hand and machine quilting methods
- Do a display on the history of your favorite family quilt
- Design your own quilt squares, exhibit your sketches or actual quit squares
- Make a notebook of your favorite quilt patterns
- Make a display that defines complementary colors
- Make a display about how quilting is linked to agriculture
- Create a quilting basics kit for display
- Make a comparison chart of sewing tools versus quilting tools
- Do a display on the history of quilting
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Quilting. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/expressive-arts/quilting.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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