Home » The Wisconsin 4-H Movement
The Wisconsin 4-H Movement
Hi Everyone! I’m Chris Clover and I hope you are excited about 4-H and the Wisconsin 4-H Movement! Check out all of the information I have for you on this page. You will find topics and resources important to YOU and others in 4-H. You will find information about the Wisconsin 4-H Movement, and you can view all of the materials we have for YOU to use! Have fun!
The 4-H movement is committed to providing youth development opportunities and promoting positive change for young people. Together we can make the best, better.
In Wisconsin 4-H we value:

Essential Elements
In 4-H, the critical components of a successful learning experience are a sense of Belonging, Independence, Mastery, and Generosity. Across each curriculum, these 4-H Essential Elements are embedded through the learning experience.

Youth need to know they are cared about by others and feel a sense of connection to others in the group.
In order to develop self-confidence youth need to feel and believe they are capable and they must experience success at solving problems and meeting challenges.
Youth need to know that they are able to influence people and events through decision-making and action.
Youth need to feel their lives have meaning and purpose.
4-H Thriving Model
We’ve learned that youth thriving is dependent on having high quality 4-H programs where youth feel like they belong and have relationships with supportive adults. We also know that thriving youth achieve important developmental outcomes, like personal responsibility, academic motivation, confidence, and high personal standards.
4-H Pledge
The 4-H Pledge is a way to get a glimpse of what 4-H members and leaders focus on in this year round youth development program.

Resources – Check out these ready to use resources
4-H Movement Tool-Kit (7 Activities)
The Wisconsin 4-H Movement toolkit was developed as a guide for volunteers, youth leaders, and/or 4-H Educators to teach others about the Wisconsin 4-H Movement values through the use of hands-on activities. Activity leaders use the three parts of a meeting (learning, leading, and laughing) to learn and guide participants through their learning of the 4-H Movement values.
Complete Tool-Kit (PDF)
Tool-Kit Instructions
Being Yourself: Planting a Positive Thought Garden–Thinking is a lot like gardening. The thought seeds we plant in our mind garden grow into feelings which grow into experiences.
Belonging Together: The Clover Cube is a great way to get to know each other and to work together. This can be used as a get-to-know-you activity OR a challenge cube
Building Connections: Conversation Cards– These cards inspire conversations that encourage connections to be built. A great way to build connections is to have a conversation. Use the questions on these Conversation Cards to get started.
Discovering Skills: Creating Chris Clover–Hands-on activities are the best way to learn something new and there is no better way to learn new skills than with Chris Clover! (create Chris Clover, Chris Clover Plushie, Circuits)
Exploring New Opportunities: Find Your Sparks–Youth discover potential within themselves by exploring their inner passions and interests and learning from peers and industry experts.
**NEW-Wisconsin 4-H Sparks Road Map-Find Find your Sparks by asking questions, thinking about what excites or interests you, and trying new things. When you know what your sparks are, you can dig in and explore more. The Wisconsin 4-H Sparks Roadmap can help you get started.
Giving Back to Your Community: Getting Started in Service Learning–Giving back to your community can happen through volunteerism, community service, and/ or service learning
4-H Movement Posters, Graphics, Social Media, Postcards, Etc.
The Wisconsin 4-H Movement has several promotional tools that can be edited and used in your county. These include posters and Social media resources.
Printable Activities (books, etc.)
The Wisconsin 4-H Movement has Activity books, coloring pages, and other activities that can be used at booths, club meetings and other events.

Contests – Current Challenges and Past Entries
We Want You to Be You Challenge
4-H Needs YOU to be YOU | 4-H necesita que tu seas tu | 4-H xav kom Koj yog Koj
Have you heard about Chris Clover and the Wisconsin 4-H Movement? Hopefully, you have and are ready to join in on Chris Clover’s next adventure. This time it’s all about YOU. We hope you’ll help us learn something new through the “We Want You To Be You Shirt Design Challenge.”
The Challenge
We’re excited to learn about what is important to YOU in this new challenge. We hope you’ll help us by designing a shirt for Chris Clover so we can share with everyone else! Here’s more information:
Design Contest Poster (digital)
Here’s what to do:
Download the Chris Clover shirt template from the options below, or if you want to create your own or free draw, please do!
- PDF Printable
- Digital Graphic (PNG Transparent)
- Digital Graphic (PNG white)
- Digital Graphic (Adobe Illustrator editable)
- Create your shirt about a cause, project, history, anything important to you.
Write about your shirt and any information or resources you have that will help others learn. Submit your design at http://bit.ly/wi4hmovementpic
We can’t wait to learn about what is important to you! For more information about Chris Clover and The Wisconsin 4-H Movement, please visit http://cc.wi4h.org.
Designs must uphold the values of Wisconsin 4-H and may need to be edited to fit the Chris Clover design. By submitting a design, you agree for it to be used on social media and for promotional and educational purposes.
For communicative accommodations in languages other than English, please contact oaic@extension.wisc.edu.
Para pedir adecuaciones para la comunicación en un idioma distinto al inglés, favor de comunicarse con: oaic@extension.wisc.edu.
Rau kev sib tham pab cuam rau qhov lwm yam lus ntawm lus As Kiv (English), thov sau ntawv rau: oaic@extension.wisc.edu.
Where has Chris Clover been?
Where has Chris Clover Been – Video Overview
Chris Clover has had the chance to tag along with Wisconsin 4-Her’s throughout the summer as they lived the Wisconsin 4-H Movement! While their adventures are not over yet, let’s look at the 4-H fun happening throughout Wisconsin and beyond!
In June, Chris Clover explored MANY new opportunities. They met Kitty and Klover from the “Foaling Around with Wisconsin 4-H” program along with educators, Evan and Katie, and 4-Her, Jax. Chris Clover then helped finish a project exhibited at the Washington County Fair. Other opportunities included: exploring The International Crane Foundation with Sauk County; heading to camp with Iowa County; and helping at camp in Outagamie County. They even got to go to Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado with an Outagamie County 4-H family!
While discovering skills, Chris appeared at many county fairs and learned many new things. 4-Hers took them along to work on a leather quiver in Washington County and learn new art skills in Sauk County. They also helped prepare for the Waupaca County Fair and attended many camps throughout Wisconsin! Many of the new skills 4-Hers learned really showed how great it is to be yourself. Art was a trend this summer, showing how creativity lets you be yourself.
Chris Clover and many 4-Hers showed how much they value belonging together! They appeared at 4-H Club meetings in Adams and Fond du Lac Counties . Chris Clover learned about equine driving with the Adams County Horse and Pony group and helped Barron County youth create a breakout challenge. These experiences allowed Chris Clover and 4-Hers to build connections while trying new things. Chris Clover also really enjoyed giving back to the community and helped Brown County 4-Hers hand out water bottles at the Bay Beach Amusement Park on a hot summer day!
What a fun journey! Chris Clover is popping up all over! Where have you been with Chris and the 4-H Movement this summer? There is still time. Send us your pictures by clicking the “Chris Clover” banner at wi4h.org! We can’t wait to see all the adventures!
4-H Movement Tool-Kit (7 Activities)
The Wisconsin 4-H Movement toolkit was developed as a guide for volunteers, youth leaders, and/or 4-H Educators to teach others about the Wisconsin 4-H Movement values through the use of hands-on activities. Activity leaders use the three parts of a meeting (learning, leading, and laughing) to learn and guide participants through their learning of the 4-H Movement values.
Complete Tool-Kit (PDF)
Tool-Kit Instructions
Being Yourself: Planting a Positive Thought Garden–Thinking is a lot like gardening. The thought seeds we plant in our mind garden grow into feelings which grow into experiences.
Belonging Together: The Clover Cube is a great way to get to know each other and to work together. This can be used as a get-to-know-you activity OR a challenge cube
Building Connections: Conversation Cards– These cards inspire conversations that encourage connections to be built. A great way to build connections is to have a conversation. Use the questions on these Conversation Cards to get started.
Discovering Skills: Creating Chris Clover–Hands-on activities are the best way to learn something new and there is no better way to learn new skills than with Chris Clover! (create Chris Clover, Chris Clover Plushie, Circuits)
Exploring New Opportunities: Find Your Sparks–Youth discover potential within themselves by exploring their inner passions and interests and learning from peers and industry experts.
Giving Back to Your Community: Getting Started in Service Learning–Giving back to your community can happen through volunteerism, community service, and/ or service learning
Printable Activities (books, etc.)
The Wisconsin 4-H Movement has Activity books, coloring pages, and other activities that can be used at booths, club meetings and other events.

Learn about what’s important to WI youth and families!
Women's History Month
Did you see International Women’s Day posts in Marathon County and from the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation? Chris did. How about this post from Jennifer Sirangelo, “An Open Letter to Girls and Young Women: Write Your Own Success Story”.
“Thinking about my growth and path to where I am today, I can’t help but feel a sense of duty to encourage girls and young women who aspire to lead. I think we all do. At some point, we’ve all had a woman who inspired us, and in turn, we should all want to be an inspiration to someone else. I believe in women helping women.”
Chris loved reading posts all month to celebrate Women’s History Month. Now Chris plans to get creative and make thank-you notes for the women in their life who positively impacted them. Who can you thank for today? Who might you thank for tomorrow?
What connections do you see between women who made an impact and future 4-H Youth in Action?
Learn about the History of Girls and Women in the United States
Share a story about historic and modern-day women
Learn about and Share Women’s History in Wisconsin
Learn about girls and positive youth development and current National 4-H CEO Jill Bramble’s vision
Celebrate Women’s History Month with 4-H
Join international efforts (March 8th is International Women’s Day)
Hands for Larger Service
Hands for larger service. . . Make it your New Year’s Resolution to show up in your community! Wisconsin 4-H is built on youth leadership and service. Nia students from Waukesha North created their plan during our Youth as Partners in Civic Leadership Conference and then they put their plan into action.
Thank you to Waukesha North and all our Wisconsin 4-H youth and families who honor Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy and his leadership call for youth to serve. #Giving Back to Your Community
Learn more with Chris at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement/
We serve with intention. Remember to reflect:
- What is the community issue you hope to address? What is your purpose? Why are you needed?
- What happened? What did you observe? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about your community?
- What new questions do you have? What would you do again? What would you change?
Nia: Pathways and Purpose for the Future https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/news/2021/11/19/extension-cyfar-grant-2021/
Civic Engagement https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/opportunities/projects/community-involvement/civic-engagement-project/
Youth Advocates for Community Health https://blogs.extension.wisc.edu/yach/
Youth as Partners in Civic Leadership https://youth.extension.wisc.edu/programs/youth-as-partners-in-civic-leadership/
Wisconsin 4-H Service Learning https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/topic/service-learning/
During this time of year there are many celebrations and languages that spread joy. Chris knows in 4-H it is important to celebrate our relationships, our volunteers, our communities and our new skills! What will you celebrate? Who will you celebrate?
Choose something or someone you want to help Chris celebrate. Who do they want to invite? How do they want to invite them? What can they do to make sure people feel included so everyone has fun? #Building Connections #Discovering Skills
Learn more with Chris at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement/
Did you know that the languages in the image are the top languages spoken in WI? https://acutrans.com/top-10-languages-of-wisconsin/. Language is one way to include AND celebrate someone. These activities from an Exploring 4-H Series can help you practice many ways to connect with people you want to include in your celebrations.
- Reflect on what makes you feel like you belong.
- Talk with someone you trust about including others.
- Talk about the ways you can make someone feel included or welcome.
- List reasons someone might or might not agree with your ideas.
More ways to celebrate:
Celebrate 4-H https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/wisconsin-4-h-hall-of-fame/
Celebrate yourself https://ucanr.edu/blogs/blogcore/postdetail.cfm?postnum=30024
Celebrate a youth in your life
Native American Heritage Month
This #NativeAmericanHeritageMonth we want to give a special shoutout to the Nicianak Club of the Menominee Nation and Rezberries of the Bad River Tribe! Wisconsin’s two all native 4-H clubs!
These programs include tribal and cultural activities as much as possible! This year a couple of focus projects are Storytelling to maintain oral traditions and Native Arts. Other examples are: regalia making, indigenous games, language, beading, canoeing, to name a few. #Being Yourself #Belonging Together
Established in 1990 through presidential proclamation (learn more here), this month celebrates the significant and diverse cultures, histories, and contributions of Native people near and far. Join in!
To the all-Native 4-H clubs of Wisconsin, including the Nicianak Club (Menominee) and Rezberries Club (Bad River), you are amazing! The ideas you share as youth and families shape club programs in crucial ways, incorporating tribal and cultural activities as much as possible!
National Bullying Awareness Month
Learn more with Chris at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement
October is National Bullying Awareness. In Wisconsin 4-H, keeping youth and volunteers safe is our #1 priority in Wisconsin 4-H.
Read “Thunder’s Hair” and then practice along with Chris ways to handle bullying. Allyship is one of Chris Clover’s ‘sparks’, but allyship is not easy.
Ask questions, Listen, Speak Up (because it may be safer for you to do so than someone else) Remember, we don’t get to decide if someone else is hurt. Only they can do that. #Belonging Together #Building Connections
Thunder’s Hair Activity Plan https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/4h-resources/thunders-hair-activity-plan/
Training for Volunteers-Building Safe Spaces https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/resources/volunteer-resources/training-for-volunteers/building-safe-spaces/
Say What?– Understanding, Identifying, And Addressing Microaggressions https://extensionpublications.unl.edu/assets/pdf/hef617.pdf
Just in Time Equity Dialogues for Youth https://cfaesdei.osu.edu/faculty-and-staff-development/resources-k-12-educators
Resource For caregivers https://www.embracerace.org/resources/how-to-talk-to-kids-about-microaggressions
Chris Clover – Hispanic Heritage Month
We asked Extension Educators to share more about how they share learning in their communities.
Chris discovered some ‘chispas’ reading two books by Naibe Reynoso. Now they are excited to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month AND learn all month long with Juntos WI 4-H families. JUNTOS means together. Across Wisconsin 4-H, we learn together and lead together to provide opportunities to try new things and connect people to information.
¡Descubre 4-H, JUNTOS!
Throughout Hispanic Heritage Month, we invite you to learn about someone’s contribution to your ‘spark’, or to try on something new. Maybe even make a friend using a new language! #Building connections
Sign up for the Juntos Newsletter https://app.e2ma.net/app2/audience/signup/1932430/1923263.376494271/
Explore website resources https://youth.extension.wisc.edu/juntos-wisconsin/
Learn more with Chris at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement/
Watch this video with Chris to learn about people in your community
Find your ‘spark’. Chris found some ideas reading Fearless Trailblazers-Pioneros Audaces or Be Bold! Be Brave!-Se Audaz, Se Valiente by Naibe Reynoso.
Chris also researched our rich Hispanic Heritage in Wisconsin. Explore how so many have contributed to your ‘spark’.
Chris Clover – Sharing your Learning
We asked Extension Educators to share more about how they share learning in their communities.
4-H Educator Sofie Teller-Cloud described, “The oral tradition is an important part of Native culture, and is alive and well. Stories can make curriculum relevant to students’ lives and create an emotional connection with students. Stories provide students with retrieval cues when they don’t have other information with which to connect. Storytelling in the Menominee tradition is a valued skill. Storytelling uses students’ strengths, and can be a powerful introduction to a lesson.” Listen to PBS Wisconsin’s Circle of Stories or Native Knowledge 360 is Celebrating Native Cultures Through Words.
More ways Chris loves to share learning:
- Explore stories. Themed book lists can be mirrors and windows: Cooperative Children’s Book Center Book Lists
- Reflect on your own experiences. Wisconsin 4-H Experiential Learning Model
- Create your own learning story! 4-H may use a record book or a portfolio. You can try writing or through other creative ways, like painting and drawing. It can be a meaningful experience to share your story too Story Circles Toolkit
Chris Clover – Celebrating the anniversary of the American Disabilities Act
All summer long Chris Clover celebrates the mastery of new skills alongside our Wisconsin 4-Hrs. Sharing our learning takes place in the crowds of local county fairs AND in the peaceful trails of our natural world.
Today they are celebrating the anniversary of the American Disabilities Act by talking to Rachael Lewandowski-Sarette about how Division of Extension and Wisconsin 4-H are working towards making camp more accessible for youth with disabilities.
Chris: What is the most exciting project you are working on?
Rachael: I’m excited to be working with 4-H towards more inclusive camp experiences by giving youth with disabilities more choices. We have purchased some adaptive equipment including a kayak and a beach wheelchair, started a new partnership with Access Ability Wisconsin, and planned some specialty camps for Autistic youth and youth who communicate in ASL-or want to learn!
Chris: What do you most want youth and families to know about new opportunities at Upham Woods?
Rachael: We want everyone to come to camp! Even if you don’t see an opportunity that looks right for you, we hope you reach out so that we can help you find or develop a space where you can thrive.
#Discovering Skills #Exploring New Opportunities
Learn more with Chris at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement/
Chris Clover – LGBTQ History Month
Chris Clover – Human Rights Day

Today is Human Rights Day, the day in 1948 that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Why is Chris learning more about Human Rights Day?
In WI 4-H, we know that for youth to find and share their ‘sparks’, their human rights need to be met, no matter who they are or where they live in the state. https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement/
Here are some questions, Chris had to guide our learning and sharing in our communities: What human rights were you aware of? What are you observing in your community? How will you be a youth leader in human rights today?
If you want to read the Declaration, you can find it here: https://www.un.org/…/universal-declaration-of-human-rights
Chris Clover – Veterans Day

Veteran’s Day, a day to recognize those who have served and sacrificed for our country. Chris Clover thanks all veterans and hopes that you have someone that you can thank personally tomorrow.
Chris Clover recognizes that many different people have served in our military, and you can learn more about them here, including from various places around the country, women, the Tuskegee Airmen and the Cheyenne people.
Chris Clover – Orange Shirt Day

Orange Shirt Day, a day to recognize and commemorate the boarding school experience and the impact they have on Native American Tribes. To learn more, please see https://www.cbc.ca/kids…/the-feed/what-is-orange-shirt-day and join today in learning about the boarding schools. #orangeshirtday#CurrentConversations#everychildmatters
Chris Clover – Black History Month

February is Black History Month. Chris Clover is learning from youth around the state. Thank you to Waukesha North High School BSU for sharing Black History that matters to you!!
Learn more here https://blackhistory.today/
Chris Clover – International Women's Day

March 8, 2022-Today is International Women’s Day! Chris Clover found this wonderful t-shirt design here https://www.internationalwomensday.com/ alongside important information. Women in Wisconsin make a difference every day https://womeninwisconsin.org/. That means 4-H too! Resources to read more about 4-H leaders: https://4-h.org/about/blog/4-h-trailblazers/#!read-morehttps://www.edweek.org/…/study-finds-benefits…/2014/01 Resources to empower future WI leaders: https://pbswisconsineducation.org/biographies/list/https://pbswisconsineducation.org/meetthelab/about/https://content.wisconsinhistory.org/…/col…/p15932coll15
Chris Clover – 4-H Pride
Chris Clover shows 4-H PRIDE by:
- Learning more https://gsafewi.org/links/
- Making healthy choices https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/lgbthealth/youth.htm
Are you someone’s go-to-adult…
The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction cites, “LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and other/questioning) students, and Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) students, and especially those students who live at the intersection of those identities, experience significant disparities compared to their peers. The latest national and state data show a mental health crisis as a result of a lack of support for these students.”
- https://virtualrainbowsummit.org
- WI Department of Public Instruction Safe Schools https://dpi.wi.gov/sspw/safe-schools/lgbt
Black History Month
To celebrate Black History Month, Chris received a special sneak preview of NEW STEM activities being created in Milwaukee County. Chris learned about the history of the Kingdom of Mali in West Africa and the science behind food preservation using salt, which was needed in a hot climate with no refrigeration.
Thank you to our Milwaukee County 4-H members for sharing Black History that matters to you. This 4-H activity is one of many being developed for middle school youth focused on amazing innovations created by ancient cultures from around the world. Chris is realizing that there are so many remarkable places and histories we do not typically learn about.
#Being Yourself #Belonging Together #Building Connections
Salt was more valuable than gold because it preserved food! Have you heard of the Kingdom of Mali from West Africa? Who was Mansa Musa and why is he still famous today? Chris wants you to keep learning and celebrating in February and every day of the year!
- Learn more about Black History
- Celebrate Black History with UW Madison Black History Month events
- Explore more connections between African-American/Black communities and cuisine
And Youth!
- National 4-H website Celebrating Innovation, Elevating Future Leaders
- Historically Black Colleges and Universities: HBCUs
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