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Space Camp
May 1-5, 2025
What is Space Camp?
Space Camp is just what you think it is – it’s a camp experience where you learn and experience a ton of different aspects about life as an astronaut, working at NASA, and exploring places beyond Earth! Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp participants experience the Pathfinder Program. The Pathfinder Program is a 3 day experience where youth participate in a variety of simulated space activities, such as:

- A Simulated Space Mission (including roles at mission control, on the ISS, in a space shuttle, and on the surface of the moon) with a team of other 4-Her’s.
- A variety of Space Simulators such as the multi-axis trainer, five degrees of freedom chair, and the space shot.
- Building and launching their own model rocket.
- On-site meals and sleeping habitats simulating a real space training experience.
- Learning all about space exploration and astronaut life in museum tours guided by a Space Camp expert.
- A team quiz bowl where participants test their knowledge against others at the end of camp.
Those are just a few of the activities that youth will experience while at Space Camp. Every activity has an educational purpose with the goal of teaching kids all about space, STEM, and teamwork. All of these activities are done in a team with other 4-H youth and adults from across the state of Wisconsin. Speaking of 4-H, you might be wondering, why does Wisconsin 4-H go to Space Camp every year, when it’s something that anyone can do by going there themselves? Well, Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp is more than just Space Camp!
The Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp Experience
Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp is an educational experience where youth from across the state take a bus down to Huntsville, Alabama, for a 4 day journey. Youth get the opportunity to venture away from home to meet new friends, develop leadership and teamwork skills, and learn all about space. They are led by a team of trained Adult Advisors. As a 4-H program, our goals for youth who go through Space Camp are:
- To have the opportunity to learn in an exciting environment away from school.
- To develop social skills by meeting new people and working as a team.
- To have the opportunity to learn life skills in a situation that is unfamiliar to them.
- To have the opportunity to develop leadership skills..
Questions about Space Camp that you can’t find the answers to on this website? Feel free to contact Justin Lieck, Educational Programs Assistant at justin.lieck@wisc.edu or 608-263-5971.
Promotional Flyer – Space Camp 2025
More Information and Adult Advisors
U.S. Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama
4-H Missions in Space program, known as Space Camp, is a fun-filled weekend for middle school youth at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center where participants:
- Complete a simulated Space Shuttle mission
- Experience training simulators
- Tour the U.S. Space & Rocket Center
- Learn about becoming an astronaut
Space Camp Participant Guide
A participant guide will be updated and posted online here when it is available for the next program year.
Delegate Requirements:
- 4-H members in grades 6-8 with a maximum age of 15 at time of trip.
- Must be currently enrolled and carry county approval through time of trip.
- Enrollment in 4-H Aerospace project is not required.
- May only attend Space Camp once as a delegate.
Cost is approximately $1,300. This includes coach bus travel and participation fees at Space Camp. Final costs are confirmed in February. Payment is due April 1st.
Adult Advisors:
Applications are available now. More information and the application can be found on the Adult Advisor Page.
A complete application must be submitted to WI State 4-H by 4:30pm January 30. A reference is required, you can find a copy of the reference form here. A phone interview may also be conducted. All applicants will be notified of their status in early February (except for National Congress, notified in July). Application can be submitted to justin.lieck@wisc.edu or mailed to 4-H Educational Programs, 432 N Lake St, Room 105, Madison, WI 53706.
Each program has a different focus with different desired attributes for leaders. If someone doesn’t fit into one position, they might be great elsewhere. If you are not selected this year, please don’t be discouraged! Apply again next year.
Any youth in grades 6-8 may register to go to Space Camp. Many counties provide scholarship funding. Check with your local county office on how to apply for scholarship funding for Space Camp.
- Register through 4HOnline for Space Camp. Registration will be open from November 15-December 15 prior to program year.
- Delegates will be notified by the State 4-H Office by January 12 of the program year whether they are attending or wait-listed.
- Registration is done through 4HOnline. If you need assistance with how to register for an event in 4HOnline, instructions are available on our site here: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/virtual-learning-community/vlcparticipate/
- After registration closes, delegates will be sent a link to register for Space Camp through the Space Camp website. All delegates must register online for Space Camp prior to March 1st.
State Scholarships
Needs-based scholarships are available for youth who participate in Statewide Educational Experiences. Scholarships require an application that is submitted to the state office. Scholarship requests for Space Camp 2025 are included in this years Space Camp registration. For more information on these scholarships, please visit the Scholarship page on our website.
This program is supported by the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation. For more information please go to www.Wis4HFoundation.org.
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