Calling Adult Volunteers – Adult Advisor Applications are Open!

Applications are now open for adult volunteers to apply to serve as an adult advisor on a 4-H educational experience! There are a ton of wonderful travel opportunities available for 4-H adult advisors, and many of them are free for volunteers to participate in. Adult advisors travel to many different cities across the United States with youth participants to serve as mentors, guides, and support for the youth on the programs. Adults are responsible for the well being of all youth participants and must work as a team to ensure that an experience runs smoothly. You can find out more about being an adult advisor below.

What opportunities exist?

  • Space Camp (April)
  • Summer Academy (June)
  • Citizenship Washington Focus in Washington, D.C. (June-July)
  • National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia (late November)
  • Arts Experiences (varies)
  • Animal Science Experiences (varies)

Who can apply?

  • Applicants must be at least 21 years old (25 for some experiences) at time of program.
  • Applicants must have completed all required volunteer/chaperone trainings (including the supporting youth mental health training) at least 30 days prior to the first day of travel.

What are the expectations of Adult Advisors?

  • Applicants must be in good physical condition to withstand rigors associated with the program. Expect much walking on hard surfaces, handling luggage, and sharing a sleeping room. Sleep deficit is common.
  • Space Camp, Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF), and American Spirit Experience leaders can expect long bus rides.
  • CWF participants usually experience high temperatures with humidity in Washington D.C.
  • Public speaking is required.
  • Adult leaders must work cooperatively with fellow Adult Advisor Team Members and remain with the delegation at all times during the program.
  • Adult leaders are required to submit a report and evaluation upon completion of the program.
  • Participation at scheduled Zoom or in-person orientations is mandatory.

Applications for adult advisors can be found through our online Qualtrics application form. Additional information about adult advisor opportunities is available on our adult advisor page.

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