Which 4-H volunteer has made the biggest impact on your life? Maybe they introduced you to a new project or were a valuable mentor to your 4-H club. Maybe they encouraged you to join 4-H as a volunteer or gave you some advice on how to connect with youth. Volunteers have given, and continue to give, so much to Wisconsin 4-H, and it’s time to celebrate their many contributions. There are two different opportunities to celebrate and appreciate these amazing people this spring.
First, the Hall of Fame Committee and the Wisconsin Leadership Council are partnering in hosting an in-person celebration of the 2020 and 2021 Wisconsin Hall of Fame Laureate classes. The laureate classes are listed below. The luncheon will be held on April 10 at the Wintergreen Resort in Wisconsin Dells, with registration and photos starting at noon and lunch beginning at 1:00 PM. Invites have been mailed to laureates, nominators, and county educators in the laureates’ counties. You can register for this program by April 1 at this link: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6QmVft85PePsHDU. Tickets are $25/meal.
Second, nominations for the 2022 Wisconsin Hall of Fame laureate class are now open. Please consider nominating a volunteer from your county or encouraging volunteers and club members to nominate. You will find the nomination form and more information about the WI 4-H Hall of Fame at https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/wisconsin-4-h-hall-of-fame/. Nominations are due May 20. You can find an alphabetical listing of previous laureates here: https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/wi4hhof/honorees/
Please consider joining us for the Celebration luncheon and nominating a volunteer from your county. Reach out to committee chair Melanie Miller, melanie.miller@wisc.edu, or Laura Pine, lpine@wisc.edu, with any questions.
2020 Laureates:
Kathy Geraets, Pierce County 4-H Volunteer
Bob Hagenow, 4-H Dairy Volunteer
Dorothy Harms, Sauk County 4-H Volunteer
Sherry Helmer, Dodge County 4-H Volunteer
Kay Hobler, Retired 4-H Youth Development Outreach Specialist
Judy Lewis, Sauk County Extension 4-H Secretary and Volunteer (In Memoriam)
Linda & Joe Pribek, Wisconsin 4-H Horse Association Volunteers
Dr. Duane “Dewey” Wachholz
2021 Laureates:
Lois Anderson, Barron County 4-H Volunteer and Pioneer
Barb Barker, Retired Waushara County 4-H Youth Development Agent
Carl & Shirley Daniels, Kenosha County 4-H Volunteers (In Memoriam of Shirley Daniels)
Orabelle Fisher, Manitowoc County 4-H Pioneer (In Memoriam)
Brian & Kathy Holten, Barron County 4-H Volunteers (In Memoriam of Kathy Holten)
Helen O’Brien, UW Extension Drama Specialist (In Memoriam)
Nadine Pfotenhauer, Dane County 4-H Volunteer
Robert & Mari Schmidt, Ozaukee County 4-H Volunteers
Sheila Vander Zanden, Outagamie County 4-H Volunteer