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Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame
About the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame
The genesis for our Hall of Fame began with discussions about how UW—Madison Division of Extension 4-H Youth Development should celebrate our Centennial in 2014. Three broad themes came out of initial planning: we need to capitalize on this opportunity for the future; take pride in our accomplishments; and celebrate our past.
This Hall of Fame is established to recognize 4-H volunteers, financial supporters, staff, and pioneers who made major contributions to the 4-H movement at the local, state, and national levels. The candidates represent 4-H in the broadest sense – they may be 4-H volunteers, financial supporters, UW—Madison Division of Extension professionals, or staff employees who had an impact on the lives of children, their community, or state through significant contributions of time, energy, or financial resource to 4-H and its members. The names of some are very recognizable, as sites and buildings bear their names. Others, while not broadly known, have transformed the lives of children and families with whom they’ve worked and the communities in which they’ve lived. The Hall of Fame preserves Wisconsin’s 4-H history and development while increasing awareness of the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development program.
100 Hall of Fame laureates were inducted in 2014 to coincide with the Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development Centennial Celebration. Moving forward, yearly nominations will be taken to select up to 10 honorees each year to keep the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame growing.
2025 Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame Ceremony Details
We are very excited to announce the 2025 Class of the Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame:
Francis Ginther– Retired Pierce County Educator
Daryl Hansen– Rock County Volunteer
Leona Jacobson (in memoriam)- Washington County Volunteer
Marla Kluge– Sauk County Volunteer
Karrie Melin Swenson– Polk County Volunteer
Joyce Nelson– Barron County Volunteer
Dennis Patterson– Grant County Volunteer
Jim Rutledge– Retired Extension Staff Person
Leverne Senn (in memoriam)- Fond du Lac County Volunteer
Jeff Thomas– Iowa County Volunteer
2025 Wisconsin 4-H Hall of Fame Ceremony
These laureates will be inducted in a ceremony on Saturday, April 26th at the Holiday Inn in Rothschild, WI. The ceremony will include a luncheon that begins at Noon, and attendees must pre-register for the ceremony. If you are interested in attending to celebrate the laureates, please RSVP by March 15th at this link: https://uwmadison.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_abKGkfEzutGYAw6
Please reach out to Amanda Lacey with any questions.
Hall of Fame Honorees
Nomination Process
Any group or individual is eligible to submit a nomination for consideration.
(Both Nomination forms below are the same, only in different formats.)
All 2025 nominations must be submitted electronically to Amanda Lacey at amanda.lacey@wisc.edu no later than January 15, 2025. Complete nominations include a:
- Nomination cover page
- Nomination signature page
- One-page Microsoft Word document outlining the nominee’s qualifications based on the 4-H Hall of Fame criteria
- Digital head and shoulder photograph and
- Brief (no more than 250 words) biography.
2025 WI HOF Nomination Forms are now open!
2025 WI HOF Nomination Form editable pdf (Fillable PDF version – download a copy locally before typing in this pdf)
2025 WI HOF Nomination Form (MS Word version)
Selection Process
Selections are made by a state-level committee based on submitted nominations including a UW-Madison Extension educator’s signature.
Recognition will be in conjunction with an existing event; the virtual 4-H Hall of Fame will be updated annually with photos and bios of the honorees.
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