Volunteer Driver Authorization Process

In situations where transportation for youth is provided as part of the Extension program, authorized adults who are 21 years of age or older and are approved to drive as part of their roles must complete the UW-Madison Driver Authorization.

  • Extension volunteers must complete the UW-Madison Driver Authorization process and maintain approval status in order to drive personally owned or rented vehicles on University business when acting in their volunteer roles. **Please allow at least three weeks for Volunteer Driver Authorization to be approved. 
  • Once approved, the expiration of a Volunteer Driver Authorization will be set to 1 year after the date of signature by the Volunteer Applicant.
  • When driving youth as part of an Extension role, individuals who are not the youth’s parent/guardian must adhere to the rule of three unless approved through Extension’s one-on-one exception procedure and agreed to in writing by the youth program participant’s parent/guardian in advance of the travel.
  • Authorized adults who are transporting youth as part of their roles must follow Wisconsin Department of Transportation Child Safety Seat Laws. It is recommended that all unrelated youth program participants sit in the back seat, assuming the youth are all of similar ages.

Please download and fully fill out the UW-Madison Volunteer Driver Authorization Request Form and return it to your 4-H Program Educator.

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