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Nature and Ecology Project
What is it All About?
Wisconsin is home to many natural and scenic landscapes. Take a journey through fields, forests, lakes, and more to discover the wonders and mysteries of Wisconsin’s natural environment. Through the 4-H nature and ecology project, you will learn about the interconnections of people and nature. You’ll also develop respect for the natural environment while creating a sense of stewardship toward our natural resources.
Grow in Your Project
- Learn about ecosystem services
- Explore watersheds and water purification
- Collect and analyze soil samples
- Learn about different sources of energy
- Explore ecotourism
- Learn more about aesthetics and the environment
- Learn about environmental stewardship
- Find out what natural capital is and why it is important
- Explore local and national land use
- Learn about population capacity and reasons for extinction
- Use butterflies to test the local health of your ecosystem
- Learn about climate science and its effect on the environment
- Investigate your carbon footprint
- Learn how to live an environmentally responsible lifestyle
- Identify ways to conserve energy
- Learn about resource sustainability
Click Here for Nature and Ecology Project Member Resources
Click Here for Nature and Ecology Project Leader Resources
Project Leader Resources
Take Your Project Further!
- Take a field trip. Identify different ecosystem services found in Wisconsin
- Visit your local landfill or dump to find out about solid waste and recycling programs
- Conduct an experiment to see how trash breaks down in a landfill
- Set up an environment quiz bowl or skill-a-thon for your club or county
- Attend your local 4-H camp
- Interview someone from the Bureau of Land Management or Department of Natural Resources
- Explore the types of foods in your area that wildlife might eat
- Visit your local Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to find out more about the soil in your area
- Plan an Earth Day celebration
- Find out more about the effects of erosion
- Tour parts of Wisconsin at are affected by erosion and weathering
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Research an environmental issue and prepare a presentation to government officials for resolution
- Write articles or newsletters about environmental events and issues as well as natural resource topics
- Create a blog about how kids can be environmentally friendly
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Start a recycling program in your neighborhood or community
- Adopt a highway, river, lake or other outside area for cleanup
Learn about Leadership
- Lead your club families in performing a home energy audit
- Plan and conduct an “energy fair” teaching younger kids about wind, solar, biomass, and coal energy
- Lead a group game at your club meeting related to learning about the environment
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Can you identify local trees? Make a poster to help others learn
- What attracts butterflies to your garden? Find out and share your findings in a video
- How has Wisconsin’s wildlife changed through the years? Create a timeline with visuals of significant events
- Create a survey on what other youth think and feel about today’s environmental issues. Tweet your friends and keep a tally. Report out through a poster, video, etc.
- Create a video on pros and cons of sun, wind, nuclear, coal power
- Create an original piece of artwork using natural objects
- Develop a display or notebook on forest diseases
- Create a field notes adventure pack
- Display your filed notes and findings from your 4-H year
- Make a leaf and twig collections
- Make a bird feeding station
- Create a report on soils in your area
- Make a poster showing a wildlife habitat
- Create a soda bottle ecosystem
- Make a display of the ecosystem your favorite animal lives in
- Make a comparison chart of characteristics of Wisconsin ecosystems and an ecosystem another part of the world
- Build a model of a landfill
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Nature and Ecology. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/natural-resource-education/nature-ecology.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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