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Outdoor Education (Natural Sciences)

Journey through field, forest, wetlands and urban areas to discover the wonders and mysteries of Wisconsin’s natural environment. Through 4-H environmental and outdoor education projects on topics such as environmental resource management, entomology, outdoor recreation and education, soils, wildlife, fisheries and marine life, you will learn about the interconnection of people and nature. You’ll also develop respect and appreciation for and a sense of stewardship toward our natural resources. Enjoy time outdoors and develop an understanding and appreciation of the environment through three core theme areas:
- Basic science and ecology
- Interrelationships and impacts
- Health, wellness and positive outdoor experiences
Enriching, engaging, place-based & hands-on – outdoors and virtually.
Environmental education can be defined as informal or formal teachings on how natural environments function, and particularly, how human beings interact with nature and ecosystems to live sustainably. This site offers new and innovative techniques, lesson plans, studies, and research to help bolster any environmental education curriculum.
Would you, or someone you know, like to explore the natural world using innovative and exciting technologies? A mobile Digital Observation Technology Skills (DOTS) kit is designed to allow you to do just that! Click the button to learn more.
Digital Observation Technology Skills (DOTS) To share information about the DOTS program with your group, download our DOTS Graphic Report and Summary today!
Environmental Education Specialist
Justin Hougham, Ph.D. Professor, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Email: justin.hougham@wisc.edu
Upham Woods Summer Camp
A 4-H summer camp at Upham Woods brings together outdoor recreation and field science experiences. Youth engage in service-learning through hands-on conservation projects designed to teach 4-H members new skills while building a lasting legacy.

Participants create positive relationships with each other as they co-discover the outdoors on guided hikes or while figuring out how to steer their canoe.
Nature is everywhere! Anyone can learn from the land when they have a pencil and paper in hand. For ideas on what to explore and how to explore the outdoors check out Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center’s website.
For a list of Wisconsin environmental education programs and resources visit the website.
Amy Workman
Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center Director
(608) 264-3485
- Entomology (Insects)
- Fishing
- Forestry (WHEP)
- Geology
- Nature and Ecology
- Outdoor Recreation
- Wildlife and Hunting
- Wildlife Habitat
More Project Ideas
- Adventures
- Backpacking & Hiking
- Bees
- Bicycling – Environmental Education
- Birds
- Camping
- Canoeing
- Conservation
- Cross Country Skiing
- Downhill Skiing
- Exploring Your Environment
- Maple Syrup
- Recycling
- Rock Climbing
- Winter Travel