Home » 4-H Opportunities » Projects » Large Animals (Animal Science) » Meat Goats Project
Meat Goats Project

What is it All About?
Do you want to be part of the fastest growing livestock industries in the country? In the meat goat project, you can learn about breeds, animal health, management, and even explore meat goat related careers.
Grow in Your Project
- Identify meat goat parts
- Learn how to select a goat that meets the criteria for its intended use
- Identify breeds of meat goats
- Learn to keep good records in order to ensure a wholesome product
- Discover the differences between meat and dairy goats
- Recognize market goat diseases
- Learn how to select the right does for breeding
- Be able to identify plants that are poisonous to goats
- Learn about body conditioning score
- Learn about manure management
- Measure level of parasites in your herd
- Learn biosecurity prevention measures
- Select a sire to improve your herd
- Formulate a balanced ration for meat goats
- Evaluate your goat pasture
Click Here for Meat Goat Project Member Resources
Resources for All Levels
Click Here for Meat Goat Project Leader Resources
Project Leader Resources
Take Your Project Further!
- Research countries that use goat meat as their primary source of protein. Try making a goat meat recipe and share it with your club members
- Participate as a member of your county 4-H meat judging team
- Design a record book to keep track of your goat herd
- Learn about the nutritional requirements for ruminants
- Look at the nutritional value of goat meat
- Take a tour of a meat goat farm
- Work with a local veterinarian to learn more about de-worming and vaccinations for meat goats
- Design a business card or brochure to market your farm or goat meat and by-products
Statewide Events and Opportunities
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Design a poster on the parts of a meat goat to share with others
- Participate in a judging contest and give oral reasons
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Volunteer to help with a livestock weigh-in or livestock show
- Use your goat to host a clinic or educational event about meat goats
- Prepare meat from a meat goat to promote the industry
Learn about Leadership
- Mentor a younger member interested in showing meat goats
- Secure sponsorship for meat goat related awards
- Lead a meat goat selection and feeding clinic
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Show your meat goat at your county fair or the Wisconsin State Fair
- Create a booklet of proper goat terminology
- Create a display of the difference between mono-gastric and ruminant animals
- Develop a video showing how to use preventative vaccinations and deworming practices
- Build a kidding barrel
- Build a show box
- Display of different breeds
- Display of the meat goat industry over time
- Display of grooming techniques
- Consider an exhibit, notebook, or display showing what you’ve learned in a meat goat-related topic
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Meat Goats. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/animal-science/goats-meat.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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