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Crocheting Project

What is it All About?
A sweater, an afghan and a hat are all things that can be crocheted. It’s an easy, relaxing art of yarn and crochet hooks that can become an interest that travels with you. In the crocheting project, you will learn crochet terms, abbreviations, stitches and how to end off. Then watch how your family and friends wait for you to make them something special.
Grow in Your Project
- Understand how to properly hold the hook and yarn
- Learn to make a slip knot
- Learn to chain stitch and make a foundation chain
- Learn the basic stitches when crocheting
- Learn crochet terms and abbreviation and how to read a crochet pattern
- Understand the importance of tension when crocheting
- Learn how to increase and decrease the stitches in a row
- Learn how to sew a seam
- Learn how to count rows
- Learn how to fasten off a project
- Learn stitch variations like groups, shells, and clusters
- Learn how to read a filet chart
- Learn how to join seams
Click Here for Crocheting Project Member Resources
Resources for All Levels
Take Your Project Further!
- Tour a yarn shop to learn about different types of yarn you can use to crochet
- Create your own pattern
- Tour a sheep farm to see the origin of some yarn fibers
- Enroll in a wool spinning class and learn to make your own yarn
- Watch web tutorials to gain new skills related to crocheting
- Meet with a crocheting group in your community
- Create a crocheting business and market your creations to friends and family
- Host a crochet fashion show and have friends and family model items you have made
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Give a demonstration about basic crocheting stitches
- Create your own online tutorial about basic crocheting
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Make baby hats or blankets to donate to your local hospital
- Crochet plastic mats for homeless
- Create gifts for your neighbors or others in need
Learn about Leadership
- Lead a crocheting project for other members of your club
- Start a community crocheting club at your local library or community center
- Develop a crochet mentoring program with 4-H members and members of a local senior citizens center who have crocheting knowledge
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Crochet an item you can wear
- Crochet an accessory
- Crochet a holiday decoration
- Make your own crocheting tutorial video
- Make a poster or display about different types of crocheting stitches
- Create your own pattern
- Create a display on different types of yarn, where they come from, and what they are best used for
- Create and display a business plan for your crocheting business
- Create a buymanship accessory board with items you crochet and outfits they would go with
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Crocheting. Retrieved from: http://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/expressive-arts/crocheting.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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