Drama Company Adult Position Description

Adult Members are 4-H volunteer leaders interested in learning more about the theater arts experience. Adult Advisors will gain practical theater experience and develop skills by working with the WI 4-H Drama Company. Individuals are needed who enjoy working with young people, are open to new ideas, and are eager to learn, as well as be cooperative, supportive, and flexible.


Drama Company Adult Advisors work in partnership with the Drama Company Director and Assistant Director.

  1. Engage in a State Team Adult Advisor Orientation and Planning Meeting in January 2025
  2. Participate in and/or observe training activities.
  3. Attend discussion sessions with the Director before and after rehearsals.
  4. Provide team support by building and maintaining morale and being alert to individual needs.
  5. Help Assistants to the Director in backstage preparations before and during the performance.
  6. Chaperone Drama Team members during non-rehearsal periods.
  7. Offer feedback on the group and its work to the Actors and Director.
  8. Work individually with Drama Team members on their lines or characters as indicated by the Director.
  9. Assign dressing rooms and assist with costumes and makeup.
  10. Assist directors and team members as needed.
  11. Accept supervision and support from salaried Extension staff or designated management volunteers.

Time Commitment

January weekend State Team Adult Advisor Orientation; April 4-6, 2025 State Teams Planning Weekend (Upham Woods), June 16-19, 2025 Summer Academy. Flexible time commitment arrangements can be made.  Please contact Jay Johnson at johnson274@wisc.edu with conflicts no later than December 20, 2024.


None; Adult Advisor expenses are covered by the 4-H Arts Programs.

How to Apply

Applicant must complete and submit an application form online by December 20, 2024.  Important:  Please read application information and instructions on this site before completing the online application. Applications will be available in 4HOnline

Your county 4-H youth development staff will verify that you are a certified 4-H Volunteer Leader. For more information about being an Adult Advisor for 4-H Drama Company, please contact Expressive Arts Specialist Jay Johnson at johnson274@wisc.edu or Laura Pine at lpine@wisc.edu.

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