Home » 4-H Opportunities » Projects » Plant & Soil Science » Soil Science Project
Soil Science Project

What’s it all about?
Soil is more than just “dirt.” Soil is alive with plants and animal life. In the Soil Science project, grow your understanding of soil types, what plants need, and how seeds grow into plants. Then go further to explore how you can support the soil by keeping it healthy and preventing soil erosion.
Grow in your Project
- Collect soil samples to discover what is living in it
- Explore how plants prevent soil erosion
- Do soil tests
- Learn about how different soil types support growth
- Explore plant life cycles and plant parts
- Experiment with different ways to germinate seeds and propagate plants
- Learn about how plants compete for air, water, light, and nutrients
- Demonstrate importance of soil nutrients for healthy plant growth
- Use appropriate planting depths for seeds
- Help prevent soil erosion using plants
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Image courtesy of UW-Madison College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
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