Landscape Design

aerial view of a home, with pool, yard, driveways, and trees

What is it all about?

Get creative with the landscape design project! What do you want the yard to have in it? How do people move in or use it? What would make you want to spend time in it? You’re the designer and you get to decide. Explore the tools, techniques, and creativity of landscape and design.

Grow in Your Project


  • Practice with lines and color in landscape design
  • Plan a functional diagram, making decisions about what to include
  • Experiment with a variety of designs for a single property


  • Experiment with rectilinear design, arc tangent, and irregular design techniques
  • Use geometry in a variety of designs for a single property
  • Learn about plants used in landscape design


  • Explore careers related to landscape design
  • Create a design for your own or a property you imagine

Project Resources

Member Resources

Free to Use

  • Landscape Design Drawing Project (Oklahoma State University 4-H) – A series of 8 short videos teaching landscape design skills. A basemap to practice design on, design examples, and more are provided. (Grades 6-12)

    Note: This site describes a competition hosted by Oklahoma State University (OSU) 4-H. Wisconsin 4-H youth are not eligible for OSU’s competition, and Wisconsin does not offer this competition.

Image courtesy of Tina Nord via Pexels

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