Home » 4-H Opportunities » Projects » Outdoor Education (Natural Sciences) » Sport Fishing Project
Sport Fishing Project

What is it All About?
In this project, you can learn to select equipment, choose a place to fish, catch fish, and either release or prepare them for dinner. It will help you understand fish management practices and how they affect fishing. This project is designed to focus on this great lifetime sport along with understanding the rules and responsibilities of it and conserving it for the future.
Grow in Your Project
- Tie fishing knots
- Learn to cast with a lure
- Cast for accuracy
- Identify types of tackle
- Understand the water cycle
- Learn how to keep fresh from water to the table
- Identify parts of a fish
- Learn how to use bait when fishing
- Learn how to use flies when fishing
- Identify recipes and cook fish properly
- Learn the importance of a clean environment
- Research the Wisconsin State fishing guidelines
- Share your fishing passion with others
- Learn proper care and cleaning of fishing equipment
- Make artificial flies and lures
- Modify and refurbish fishing equipment
- Use a kick net
- Identify insects that fish eat
Click Here for Sport Fishing Project Member Resources
Click Here for Sport Fishing Project Leader Resources
Project Leader Resources
Take Your Project Further!
- Visit a local fish hatchery
- Attend a fishing workshop
- Go fishing with friends or family
- Visit an angler’s store to see what types of equipment is used in your area
- Connect with a local fishing club or Trout Unlimited group
- Visit antique shops or secondhand stores to find tackle
- Make fish prints
- Interview a fishing guide about his career
- Collect insects that fish eat and make an insect identification chart
- Invite a conservation agent or someone from Game and Fish to your club meeting
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Start a blog about your favorite fishing spots
- Give a talk about local fishing regulations
- Do a demonstration on boating safety
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Donate fish to a local food pantry
- Map a watershed in your local community
- Volunteer to participate in a fish population study
Learn about Leadership
- Host a fishing skill-a-thon for your club or community
- Organize a community family fishing day
- Teach a fishing workshop at 4-H camp
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Tied flies
- Poster showing how to fly cast
- Tackle box, explain what items in box are used for
- Poster of parts of a spinning, spin casting, fly casting, or bait casting rod and reel
- Create a Fishing journal
- Display of aquatic invertebrates
- Chart showing measures of water quality at local fishing spots
- Mount your best fish
- Build a custom rod
- Display of different fish
- Display of watershed
- Poster of habitat of a fish
- Poster on how fish breathe
- Display of fishing knots
- Poster on parts of a fish
- A fly wallet
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Sport Fishing. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/natural-resource-education/sportfishing.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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