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Health Project

What is it All About?
The 4-H health project will help you explore health and wellness in your personal life as well as your home, club, community, country, and world. In this project, you will learn how to assemble a first aid kit and how to treat cuts, stings, bruises, and other injuries. You will also be able to learn about how to stay healthy and develop your own personal fitness plan.
Grow in Your Project
- Design a family First Aid Kit
- Identify how to treat cuts and scrapes
- Recognize the signs of choking
- Learn how to prevent sprains, strains, and bruises
- Discover what causes nosebleeds
- Learn about poisons and how to keep your family safe
- Find out more about germs and how they affect the body
- Learn about food that help you stay healthy
- Learn about your personal strength, flexibility, and endurance
- Learn how to add activity to your day
- Identify the components of fitness
- Learn the importance of hydration
- Learn how to choose foods for fuel
- Discover new ways to add physical activity to your life
- Create a personal health and wellness plan
Click Here for Health Project Member Resources
Resources for All Levels
Take Your Project Further!
- Create a recreation/activity plan for your club and lead the activities
- Take a Red Cross or CPR class
- Lead age-appropriate physical activity sessions at your local senior center
- Explore careers in the health and wellness field
- Keep a journal of your fitness, activities, and food intake
- Take a tour of a fitness center or gym
- Interview a personal trainer to learn more about health and health careers
- Take a trip to the grocery store to analyze different types of healthy foods
- Invite an EMT or other health professional to speak at your club meetings
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Give a demonstration about basic first aid
- Lead your club in a fitness check
- Create a skit for your club about what to do in an emergency situation
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Organize or volunteer at a Health Fair in your community
- Create first aid kits to distribute throughout your community
- Organize a community walk or run
Learn about Leadership
- Arrange for someone to come and talk to your club about a Health issue
- Suggest that your club add a Health Committee
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Create first aid kits for your home and club
- Develop a self-health plan
- Make a poster on water hydration and exercise
- Design a poster on dental care for babies and toddlers
- Make a poster on the pros and cons of antibacterial soap
- Give a demonstration on bicycle safety
- Create a poster about how nutrients affect your body
- Make a video of proper stretching exercises and techniques
- Survey kids about germs, fitness and nutrition, then chart and graph the data
- Make a calendar featuring healthful recipes for a gift
- Create a portfolio or display about assembling a first-aid kit
- Create a portfolio or display about treating cuts and scrapes, choking, sprains, strains and bruises, nosebleeds, getting rid of foreign objects, stings, bites, poisons, broken bones or burns
- Create a display about preparing healthful snacks
- Create a portfolio or display showing fitness activities
- Develop a board game with interesting health facts
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Health. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/healthy-living/health.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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