Home » 4-H Opportunities » Projects » Expressive Arts » Cake Decorating Project
Cake Decorating Project

What is it All About?
Creativity can be a piece of cake! Through this project you will learn the skills to start making cakes for parties and events. It starts with knowing the basics like simple borders, decorations and cake molds. Then it advances to lace and lattice work, tiered cakes, special icings and, finally, advanced flowers.
Grow in Your Project
- Prepare icing to use for borders, drop flowers, and lettering
- Experiment with different decorating tips
- Learn about professional cake decorating equipment
- Decorate with borders, flowers, leaves, and letters
- Use a stencil and paper pattern to decorate a cake
- Bake and frost level cakes with smooth icing
- Bake and frost two-layer cakes with jam, pudding, or other filling
- Make flat surface flowers and flowers on a nail
- Learn piping techniques
- Learn advanced borders like lattice, basket weave, pine cones, and haystacks
- Consider cake size, shape, decorating placement, and number of servings
- Assemble stacked and tiered cakes
- Experiment with gum paste
- Color and shape marzipan for decorations
- Make pulled sugar decorations
- Apply rolled fondant to a cake and decorate it
- Study the principles of element and design used in cake decorating
Click Here for Cake Decorating Project Member Resources
Resources for All Levels
Take Your Project Further!
- Visit a bakery to see cake decorating in action
- Create drawings for decorating ideas using the internet or magazines as inspiration
- Attend a food or restaurant show
- Visit a professional decorator to get new ideas
- Interview a home decorator about markets, pricing, and advertising
- Attend a cake decorating class
- Attend a wedding cake consultation
- Compare and contrast different brands of cake mixes or food colorings
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Give a demonstration at your club meeting about how to ice a cake for decorating
- Share common cake decorating problems with other project members
- Give a demonstration about mixing colors for frosting cakes
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Make a decorated cake for your neighbor
- Make a decorated cake for a fundraiser or silent auction
- Host a cake walk at a 4-H carnival
- Create birthday bags for the local food pantry
Learn about Leadership
- Hold a cake decorating workshop for younger members
- Work with a leader or your County Educator to host a Cupcake War
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Educational poster on advantages or disadvantages of different cake mixes
- Educational poster on type of icing
- Chart explaining tools to use for icing a cake
- Poster explaining different borders and how to create them
- Chart listing common cake problems
- Create a scrapbook of cakes you have decorated
- Display pictures of borders, writing, etc. that you have created on cakes
- Decorate a cake
- Sketchbook of different design for cake
- Display of a marketing plan for a cake decorating business you want to open
- Create an educational poster describing when to use different types of cake icings
- Educational display of how to properly clean and care for cake decorating tools
- Educational display on how to transport a cake once it is decorated
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Cake Decorating. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/expressive-arts/cake-decorating.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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