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Knitting Project

What is it All About?
Knitting isn’t just for when you are sitting in front of a warm fire, it is a hobby you can take with you! Knitting is a wonderful craft to learn and it can be taken anywhere. In the knitting project, you will learn knitting techniques and tips. Did you know that many professions use the techniques learned in knitting (think, surgeons) and other professions use the concentration acquired (think, acting or engineering)?
Grow in Your Project
- Choose the right kind of yarn to use for simple projects
- Identify different types of knitting equipment
- Evaluate the type of needle to use for each project
- Learn to make a slip knot
- Understand how to hold the needles and yarn
- Learn how to cast on
- Learn the basic stiches and create simple projects
- Learn to use circular and double pointed needles
- Learn how to long-tail cast on
- Use a garter stitch and stockinette stitch
- Learn to knit with four needles
- Be able to identify the six standard yarn weight groups
- Altering patterns to fit an individual or change the pattern to add your own special touch
- Learn how to properly graft
- Learn how to properly care for garments and items you have knit
Click Here for Knitting Project Member Resources
Resources for All Levels
Take Your Project Further!
- Visit a yarn store
- Check out patterns for knitting projects on Pinterest
- Subscribe to an online knitting magazine for new ideas
- Knit an item to wear and model at a Fair
- Learn to spin and dye your own yarn
- Visit a sheep farm to see raw wool and learn how it becomes yarn
- Learn to knit with a loom
- Build your own knitting loom or knitting board
- Visit a location that has a knitting machine
- Create a poster on knitting terms and abbreviations
- Create your own design and share your pattern
- Make a scrapbook of items you have knit
Applying Project Skills to Life
Enhance Your Communication Skills
- Do a talk or demonstration on different types of yarn
- Give a demonstration or talk about how to read a knitting pattern
Get Involved in Citizenship and Service
- Knit washcloths for the local food pantry
- Knit afghan squares for the Homemade Afghan Project
- Knit hats for patients at the local hospital
Learn about Leadership
- Host a knitting community service project for your club. Use chopsticks to knit washcloths or potholders
- Join a knitting club in your community, if there isn’t one start your own and share your skill and love for knitting with others
Showing What You’ve Learned
- Make a poster or display on different types of yarn
- Create a display about how you turned your knitting into a community service project
- Make a knitted holiday decoration for the fair
- Knit a hat
- Make a pair of mittens
- Knit a scarf
- Make a sweater
- Knit a washcloth
- Knit a potholder
- Create a display showing different types of needles and other knitting equipment
- Create a display of different types of stitches
Adapted with permission from Wyoming State 4-H, Project Information Sheet, Knitting. Retrieved from: https://www.uwyo.edu/4-h/projects/expressive-arts/knitting.html.
*Resources available at your local Extension office or shop4-H.org.
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