Caroline Lemke

Lincoln County 4-H Volunteer

Caroline has been involved in Lincoln County 4-H for over 75 years: first as a member and now as a 4-H volunteer for 55 years. In the Hi-Lo 4-H Club, she served as organizational leader for 31 years and co-organizational leader with her daughter-in-law for the past 22. She promotes 4-H to everyone and works with youth to have a positive experience, feel part of the club, and have opportunities to try things in a safe and caring environment.

On the county level, she has been a member of the Lincoln County 4-H Leaders’ Association, Inc. Board of Directors, where she was one of the first to welcome older youth involvement. She is very open and willing to adapt or create new programs based on the current needs and interests of youth. This has included the 4-H community club program, outreach to new audiences with 4-H afterschool programs, and Teen Count

Caroline has seen hundreds of members grow throughout the years. She understands and embraces the need for the 4-H program to evolve to meet the current needs and interests of today’s youth in order to reach even more youth for the years to come.


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