Theresa Kinnard

Door County 4-H Volunteer

Theresa Kinnard has been the leader of the East Maplewood Beavers for 36 years. Hugh and Marion Birdsall, Theresa’s parents, started the club. Marion and Theresa are the only two organizational leaders the club has had for over 69 years. Her passion for mentoring 4-H youth is an extension of the dedication and service her own parents had for 4-H.

Beyond the club, she has served on the Door County 4-H Adult Leaders Board, volunteered at the state level for dairy cattle judging, and coached teams for the state and national Quiz Bowl contests. Her five children participated in 4-H and now her grandchildren are Cloverbuds.

Theresa patiently and deliberately works to find the talents and interests in each child and has an exquisite talent of bringing out their best. She is able to take someone who is quiet, encourages them, and give them the confidence to become a leader. Theresa states, “Each child is a gift to our 4-H club, no matter what level they are. And they are a gift to me.”


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