Evelyn Johnson

Pierce County 4-H Volunteer

Evelyn Johnson has been a proud 4-H volunteer in Pierce County for 52 years. For 48 of those years, she has been the Maiden Rock Rockets General Leader.

Evy taught school in the Pepin, Hager City and Ellsworth districts for 39 years. Her positive influence on elementary students carries through loud and clear in her 4-H volunteer efforts. Noted for her excellent work with youth in metal enameling, leathercraft, ceramics, cake decorating, and drawing and painting projects, Evy has encouraged hundreds of Pierce County youth to pursue higher education and careers that utilize the 21st century job skills they learn in her basement workshops.

She has been a key advocate for leader networking throughout her years of volunteer work. Evy continues to promote leaders sharing both successes and challenges and urges youth and adults to learn from each other and to try new things.

Evy nurtures a robust partnership between 4-H and the Maiden Rock Community Club, resulting in countless productive and educational community service hours for 4-H members, and increasing the visibility of 4-H in the county. More than once, Evy has been recognized by the Retired Educators Association for the most outstanding number of volunteer hours in a year; this is due primarily to her work with Pierce County 4-H.

Evy’s character shines with grace as she speaks about what 4-H has meant to her and how, despite all of her other community volunteer work, “4-H kids come first.”


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