Dr. Dennis Buege enjoyed a long and distinguished career at the UW, but despite a very busy schedule of Extension work with Wisconsin Meats Processors, one of his greatest joys was working with youth. He was constantly mentoring and advising in a positive way. He worked tirelessly, setting up meat evaluation contests and working closely with youth. His easy-going manner and warm sense of humor made him a popular Extension Specialist among 4-H youth and volunteers.
He was a dedicated member of the Statewide 4-H Animal Science Committee and was key in the development of Youth Livestock Days, the forerunner of today’s Area Animal Science Days.
Dr. Buege’s legacy is most evident today through the Governor’s Blue Ribbon Meat Products Auction at the Wisconsin State Fair. Dennis was the impetus behind this event, now in its 24th year, to benefit 4-H. He served as advisor to the Wisconsin Association of Meat Processors. His vision forged a partnership between the Processors and the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation and brought about a successful annual fundraising event that auctions the winning processed meats entries to supportive individuals and businesses at the State Fair.
Dennis was a person of many talents who gave so much to his family, church, community and professional organizations. He was a man of deep faith and conviction in the things of life that matter. He knew how to treat his fellow man and was respectful of others’ views and opinions.
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