Roger Boehlke was a Lindenwood 4-H Club member in the 1960s. His 4-H experience led him to participate in local, state and national competitions, including the National Showmanship Contest in Kentucky. He credits these opportunities as laying the foundation for his future success and his interest in supporting youth opportunities for growth and development.
Roger became a project leader shortly after finishing his 4-H membership. For more than 25 years, he led many youth, using the skills he had honed as a 4-H member himself. Roger served on the executive committee of the Ozaukee County 4-H Livestock Association; the 4-H Leaders Board; and is currently the President of the Ag Society Board.
Each of Roger and wife Carol’s five children were active in 4-H. Roger served as a coach for his children and many other youth, working especially well with youth who needed a mentor.
His early 4-H record books, proudly kept the past 50 years, show that Roger’s later success in business has a firm base in 4-H. Roger helped his family build and expand Boehlke Hardware, Boehlke Plumbing and Boehlke Bottle Gas.
A passionate supporter of 4-H, Roger has given countless hours of volunteer service. Roger also recognizes the importance of financially supporting 4-H and has made significant contributions to the Wisconsin 4-H Foundation.
From 4-H member to successful businessman who provides leadership and financial backing to the 4-H program, his contributions of time, expertise and funds clearly highlight his ongoing commitment to 4-H on every level.
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