Jerry Apps

Jerry AppsUW-Madison Professor and UW-Extension Historian

The life and work of Waushara County native and farm owner Jerry Apps has been influenced by his early farming experiences. He has used his knowledge and skills as a teacher, administrator, and writer to help educate thousands of people around the world.

Jerry began his professional life as a 4-H agent in Green Lake and Brown County. During this time, he met his wife Ruth who was an Extension Home Economist. He then served on the state 4-H staff as publications editor, in staff development with UW-Extension, and as UW-Madison Professor/Department Head in the Department of Continuing and Vocational Education. He also served at the first director for the National Extension Leadership Development Program.

Jerry’s work as an historian has provided the most complete history of the University of Wisconsin-Extension, Cooperative Extension, The People Came First. Jerry frequently appears on public radio and TV. His writing was featured in PBS documentaries: A Farm Story with Jerry Apps and A Farm Winter with Jerry Apps. Jerry’s work has been recognized through numerous awards from the education, history, and literary communities.


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