Mike Perkl

Retired UW-Extension 4-H Agent & District Director

Mike Perkl had fun as a Wood County 4-H member and brought that same contagious enthusiasm to the Wisconsin 4-H program in his 31-year UW-Extension career, starting in 1976.Under his leadership, the Clark County 4-H membership in 1976. Under his leadership, the Clark County 4-H membership and adult leadership involvement grew in number. He helped 4-H leaders see the value of developing a county 4-H committee structure including both adult and youth leaders. This structure gave volunteers the opportunity to plan, conduct, and evaluate county 4-H activities and projects.

His enthusiasm for people and conservation of our natural resources were always evident in his work. He provided many learning opportunities for youth and adults in his work with School Conservation Days, Hunter Education programs, Fishing and Camping programs. He assisted the State, District, and County levels to plan and implement the 4-H Shooting Sports Program that continues to grow across the state.

Mike is known for his leadership, communication skills, and teaching skills. While serving 18 years in Clark County, Mike began the role of Western District Program Liaison, a position designed to strengthen ties and communications between the State 4-H Staff and the County 4-H Staff. In 1994, Mike was named Western District Director and served in that position until he retired in 2007. Perkl’s enthusiasm for 4-H and ability to work equally well with youth and adults helped him be successful in any role he took on.

In retirement, Mike continues his volunteer work with the local Lions Club, the Neillsville Country Club, and Neillsville Hospital.


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