Understanding the FAQ Format

What Am I Looking At?

To guide your reading, use the following blank ‘conversation’ format to review the kinds of resources and ideas being provided. Then, use the information about what the participants did and why along with locally produced support materials.

Conversation Title

FAQ: Each example highlights a Frequently Asked Question from an actual Wisconsin Conversation

What We Knew

Brief information about what we knew that guided our planning.

What We Did

The action steps we took to put our plan (What We Knew) in motion.

Click the green plus sign to find out more.

Current Conversation Framework

Breakout boxes are included to highlight important choices made about the Current Conversation Framework

  • Anchor Content
  • Brave and Safe Space
  • Taking a Breath

Youth Empowerment Focus: This guide used the Youth Advocates for Community Health Curriculum to focus on areas of growth. These include: Critical Awareness, Skills Development, Provide opportunities.

Social Justice Principle: Social Justice Youth Development is rooted in culturally relevant teaching and lists five strategies. This guide is meant to align WI conversations with National 4-H research.

Further Objectives: The examples in this guide are aligned with the progression of learner objectives included in True Leaders: Culture, Power and Justice-A youth development approach to social justice. By utilizing these objectives to organize our WI conversations, we position this guide to add value to the work, not take the place of it.

Example Documents: This is a list of specific support documents created for activities. It is in these documents you will see exact ages or materials.

Development Team and Funders’ Credits

This material was created by many individuals within and outside of WI. It is our intent to credit all contributors.

What Am I Supposed to Do With What I’m Looking At?

You can review the content in Getting Started and Join Our WI Conversation! for background. Our goals for you(th) using these materials are the same as stated in those sections:

  • You(th) learn something new.
  • You(th) ask a question.
  • You(th) take a next step.

This resource is not meant to read from the beginning to end. In fact, it is its own special type of anchor content that gives us a shared experience before continuing a conversation. For guidance exploring joining a current WI Conversation or starting your own, use the workbook page provided.

Can I Submit My Own FAQ?

Our experiences are highlighted through examples of WI Conversations, centering a youth experience from around the state of Wisconsin. We believe opportunities and ideas for new conversations will grow beyond what you(th) see here. We want to keep adding Wisconsin Conversations, especially from YOU(TH)!! If you have a conversation, access the activity plan format and send us your example. We’ll reach out to see how we can best include your Wisconsin Conversation!

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