Wisconsin 4-H Annual Charter Application

The 4-H Charter indicates that a 4-H Club or Group is organized in accordance with the objectives of the Wisconsin 4-H program. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension grants 4-H Charters which formally authorizes a Wisconsin 4-H Club or Group to use the 4-H Name and Emblem for educational purposes in accordance with laws and regulations established by Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.  In addition, the 4-H Charter Application provides:

  • Documentation of educational activities of the 4-H Club or Group/Committee needed for liability coverage for 4-H volunteers and members
  • Program impact evaluation and educational planning
  • Documentation of compliance by 4-H Clubs and Groups with EEO, ADA guidelines, and Civil Rights laws.

Wisconsin 4-H Club and Group Charter Application will be posted August 1 and must be completed online by November 1.

The 2024-2025 Charter Application will open August 1, 2024

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