Camp Counselors have a special role at camp. They are trusted guides, supports, and leaders who help to make sure campers have a safe, welcoming, and meaningful experience. The following six modules have been designed to help prepare youth leaders to become skilled, knowledgeable Camp Counselors. Take one or more of the modules to strengthen camp counseling skills and strategies!
Time to complete all modules: 2-3 hours

Welcome to Camp Counselor Training!
This module is your introduction to the whole series. Learn why camp is important and how to take care yourself as the Camp Counselor while you’re there.
Time to complete: 10-15 minutes

Camp Leadership, Team Roles, and Responsibilities
This module will cover the definitions of roles used in this training, who you should turn to for help at camp, your responsibilities as a camp counselor, and the basics of 4-H youth leadership competencies.
Time to complete: 20 minutes

Basics of Working with Campers
This module will cover various techniques for working with young people, strategies for creating positive group dynamics with your campers, and descriptions and development characteristics for different age groups.
Time to complete: 30 minutes

Camp Challenges
This module will cover challenges that could occur at camp, such as homesickness, bullying, behavior management, making better decisions, emergency strategies, and when to ask for help.
Time to complete: 45 minutes

Cabin Time & Expectations
This module includes important steps to take when you first meet your cabin group and particular times during the day to look after them. It discusses your key responsibilities with your cabin group and particular times during camp when it is especially important to step into your leadership role
Time to complete: 15 minutes

Back Pocket Resources: Songs, Skits, and Transitional Times
This module will include examples and resources of campfire songs, skits, riddles, and games, so you are ready for camp. Use these as a resource at camp.
Time to complete: 15 minutes