Photography Lovers!
4-H photography members, here is your chance to shine. We are pleased to announce that there will be a State Photography Contest starting March 1st and running through April 1st.
Who can enter?
Any active 4-H members grades 3-13.
When is the contest?
The contest will be open no later than March 1st and will close on April 1st at 11:59 pm.
How do I enter my photos?
The contest will run through 4-H online. Contest guidelines and how to upload your photo will be available through the 4-H online portal. Use this link to go to the contest. If you need accommodations, see your County Extension office and they can help you enter your photos.
This year members will be able to enter photos in the following categories…
- 4-H Themed
- People
- Animals/Wildlife
- Textures
- Landscape
- Black and White only
You may enter one photo in each category. Photos must be taken in the last 12 months and be the work of the member.
Entry fees
Each photo entry will cost the member $3.00. The cost of the entry fee helps to pay for the printing, mounting and displaying of the photos. Any excess funds will support other 4-H arts activities.
Each photo will be judged by a group of skilled photographers. The top photo in each category will be printed, mounted and displayed at the State 4-H office, be a part of the 4-H State Art show at Summer Academy, shared on the Wisconsin 4-H social media sites, and available for display at other statewide events. Each category winner will be eligible for recognition for the overall best photo. Top photos will be used to promote the 2026 contest.
Copyright and Photo Releases
Each photographer will need to give 4-H permission to print, share and display your photos. Upon selection, permission is given only for public display, social media and any promotion for Wisconsin 4-H. Proper artist credit is always given. You retain the rights to your photos. UW-Talent Release form.
Any photo with people in it will need the photographer to secure permission from the subjects. This is important so that we have the permission to share pictures of your subjects. You may opt out of having your photos shared on social media but still will need to secure permission for your photos to be displayed.
Learning about Photography
Want to know how to take and edit good pictures? Review these resources for tips on how to improve your photography skills. You can also access our 4-H projects materials here: Wi Photography Project Resources
Why Enter?
Having your work judged is a great way to build your skills as a photographer. You will engage in taking better pictures, evaluating your work based on what makes a good photo, set goals for future photos, and reflect on comments that can help you improve for next time. It is also a good way to practice for the fair. If you are in the photography project it is a good idea to have your work evaluated.
If your have any questions regarding the contest please reach out to Jay Johsnon at 920-449-0519 or