County Spotlight: Waupaca County 4-H Super Saturday

Waupaca County 4-H Super Saturday is the largest project training held annually during the 4-H year. Super Saturday is a hands-on project learning day for youth and families, where they learn more about a variety of 4-H projects and meet others with similar interests. The purpose of this effort is to broaden participants experiences, increase project skills (sparks), and encourage youth and adult partnerships. Super Saturday has been growing in Waupaca County for over 20 years. A county committee including youth and adults work with the 4-H Program Educator to plan all details for the event.

Both youth and adults teach classes (this year there were over 40 classes). Just over 170 4-H members registered for Super Saturday. Each member can participate in 3 classes.

A spark is an area of interest or something that brings you joy. Through Super Saturday, members are encouraged to explore their sparks or discover a new spark! The planning committee discusses the variety of project areas they would like to offer to reach as many different interests as possible. Some classes from this year included fur trapping, animal and vet science, agricultural careers, crafts, painting, music, hand salve, first aid kits, sewing, and more.

Evaluations are collected through a google form. When asked what was most valuable about Super Saturday, responses highlighted:

  • Wide variety and diversity of classes offered
  • The ability to work together and learn from one another
  • Being in a comfortable setting to learn new things
  • The chance to learn new things without spending a lot of money
  • The value of meeting others across the county with similar interests

Super Saturday is a wonderful program in Waupaca County, with so many volunteers to make it successful, and one many families look forward to year after year!

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