Wisconsin 4-H has updated or added several policies to provide 4-H volunteers, members, and staff guidance when planning for higher risk projects and/or activities. Projects and/or activities include:
- Animal Science Projects and Activities (Update)
- ATVs and UTVs (New Policy)
- Bounce Houses and Moonwalks (New Policy)
- Challenge Course and Zip Lines (New Policy)
- Dog Project (New Policy)
- Fishing and Ice Fishing (Updated)
- Go-Karts (New Policy)
- Horseless Horse (New Policy)
- Paddle Sports (Updated Policy)
- Parades (Updated Policy)
- Skiing (Downhill) and Snowboarding (New Policy)
- Sledding, Tubing and Tobogganing Policy (New Policy)
- Trampolines (New Policy)
- Woodworking (New Policy)
Remember, all Wisconsin 4-H programs and activities must be supervised by an adult, 18 years of age or older, who is an enrolled and approved 4-H volunteer or a staff member. The purpose is to ensure the safety and well-being of all participants.
Visit the Wisconsin 4-H Policies webpage for policy changes and details: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/resources/wisconsin-4-h-policies/.
Submit questions, comments or concerns to Wisconsin 4-H Program Leadership by using the Care to Share Form: https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/contact-us/care-to-share/