Dondieneita Fleary-Simmons will be leaving her position as Wisconsin 4-H Program Manager on August 20. Since she joined the 4-H team in 2019, Dei has led and supported 4-H through the challenges of COVID, reaching new youth and expanding program opportunities virtually for thousands of participants, and transitioning back to in-person 4-H. Throughout she has helped 4-H focus on supporting volunteers and educators in providing high quality programs based on 4-H Thriving principles and innovating to reach more youth in new ways.
Reflecting on her time in 4-H, Dei says: “I started this position with the question, “What is the secret sauce of 4-H?”. I have learned that there are many elements that make 4-H unique and special. I learned that 4-H is the only Federally recognized and supported positive youth development program. I learned that 4-H is the only program deliberately attached to the knowledge-base of more than 100 Land Grant Universities, including Historically Black Colleges and Universities and Tribal colleges throughout the United States. I learned that leadership and civic engagement are critical parts of the 4-H experience and that these create a lasting commitment to the program that is evidenced in members, alumni and volunteers. I learned that the 4-H origin story is based in improving local outcomes by empowering youth with innovative scientific knowledge that is learned by doing and demonstrated back in the community. After 106 years of Wisconsin 4-H, I see that the founding ideals remain imbedded in programming. And, I have learned the real secret sauce is YOU! I have seen educators, volunteers and youth members that against all odds do the rigorous work to make programming happen because it is important to young people.”
Matt Calvert continues to serve as 4-H Program Leader and we will be launching a search for a new person in this important role very soon.
Thanks Dei for your many contributions to Wisconsin 4-H!