Next Level Photography, Photography Project Curriculum Level 2

Level 2, Next Level Photography, is an intermediate level book for a serious study of photography. Activities build on the four main areas from Level 1 (Equipment, Lighting, Composition, and Skill Building) and include topics such as the Rule of Thirds, Selecting a Lens, and Panorama. Having access to a camera (phone or DSLR) is essential, as well as deciding how and where to store the photos taken during the project.

The books have been updated to reflect changing technology, such as moving from film to digital photography. Cell phones, a common camera for many people, are featured. Other enhancements include digital photo editing as well as online photo storage and sharing.

This book is intended for the youth. Authored by Ohio State University. Copyright 2019
88 pages
Ties to National Visual Arts Education Standards. See the “Look Inside” for the Project Skills, Life Skills, Educational Standards, and Success Indicators for each activity.

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